Search for "BONUS": 5 matches

FFF sources by ChAr
02 Jul 1997 (catalog date)
60,660 bytes
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A converter for GUS Interwave Patches. Bonus points to the first person who uses this? No code documentation.

Tutorial 10 in C by Snowman of Hornet
11 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
45,338 bytes
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Asphyxia VGA demo trainer:Tut 10 in C:Chain-4 and scrolling - Includes Denthor's original tutorial release within and has the compiled exe. (This is lysdexic. Bonus. :)

ASCII ART Lib by Jan Hubicka
19 Jan 1998 (catalog date)
133,184 bytes
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Ascii Art Renderer. Do not kill yourself trying to understand the code (no comments at all, and fairly complex code). Bonus points for the concept. This is FUNKY and fun to play with. (TMDC anyone? might be useful to figure out how to go from a graphical image to ASCII)

The Simpsons Theme by Cosmic Eclipse
23 Mar 1998 (catalog date)
247,375 bytes
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A fairly good cover of the Simpsons Theme by Danny Elfman. Parts of the scores from Pee Wee's Big Adventure and Batman are added as bonus patterns. (XM)

Bonus Life by Curvazious
15 Sep 1996 (catalog date)
44,272 bytes
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Released at event TP94 in the m4ch division and ranked XX