Search for "Platform": 3 matches

Clax by Borzom
19 Jan 1998 (catalog date)
49,402 bytes
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Clax Keyframing system. Multi-platform. Confusing to use code, but possibly worth it if you don't want to write your own keyframer.

C-- by Peter Cellik
10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
309,669 bytes
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C-- compiler,It's either a stripped down version of C or ASM on steriods. It was good and cool some time ago, but there are surely better development platforms available.

Easy Xmid V1.0 by Stefano Maini
23 Feb 1998 (catalog date)
18,288 bytes
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Midi to Fast Tracker 2 XM converter, DOS platform, very easy to use.