Search for "archive": 6 matches

oplid by ? of Audiotrix
11 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
31,180 bytes
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Detects what type of OPL chip is on your sound card - An ad for audiotrix more than anything else. No code. It looks like there should be more files in the archive than there are.

Mod Play by ? of VLA
11 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
41,424 bytes
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Broken mod player - Doesn't say who wrote it in the archive, but says to greet VLA if you use it. Doesn't work right.

X-Master v2.0 by Joey Mukherjee
26 Feb 1998 (catalog date)
88,124 bytes
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A menu driven file manager for multimedia files like mod-files, fli-files and demos that allows you to keep them all archived on your harddisk.

WIN95 And Demos Starter by Cute Elf
19 Jan 1998 (catalog date)
18,929 bytes
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Library for using DirectDraw for making demo effects. Use Winzip to decompress archive because of the long file names. If using DirectX 5, you have to change two lines in DirectXConversion.cpp to type cast to (DirectDrawSurface2 *). When you try to compile, you'll know which lines those are. Hmm... maybe wince stands for Win-CuteElf. (If you see this, are you going back there?)

The Day - 01 March 1998 by Snowman of Hornet
18 Mar 1998 (catalog date)
5,458 bytes
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Announcement about the acceptance of Windows Demos on The Hornet Archive

DMP Companion v2.60
09 Sep 1996 (catalog date)
105,419 bytes
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read in archives, random play