Search for "exec": 14 matches

Burning Match by Digimind
19 Jun 1998 (catalog date)
3,005 bytes
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314 byte fire example with asm source and executable. Features wood, sulfur and oxygen.

rotating landscape by TTT
10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
129,844 bytes
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A landscape routine similar to that at the end of unreal - Comments only on function names and has a larger executable than need be for this effect. (Lots of tables, i.e. the landscape itself)

List/Execute Executables Utility by SAM of TFL
06 Oct 1996 (catalog date)
26,546 bytes
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Nice code, almost useless util. Makes a perfect example though.

15 Apr 1997 (catalog date)
1,921 bytes
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Source code in assembler and .com executable of the shortest pcx viewer in the whole world (made in Poland!).

Polyfiller Tutorial by Natan Whitaker
17 Jan 1999 (catalog date)
134,279 bytes
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The example executable included doesn't seem to work, but the textfile might be useful for beginners who want to write their own polyfiller routines.

Bin 2 DB by Escape
12 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
12,087 bytes
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A bin 2 db util. See my comments to Also, take out the "coded in 100% Assembler" line. It's dorky, especially for something whose main function (input/output) is easiest handled by a high level language and whose speed of execution is on the magnitude of 2 seconds.

QLIB 2.02 by Sub Death
10 Jul 1997 (catalog date)
362,098 bytes
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Replacements for standard C Library functions. Uses pmode/w. It replaces most standard C library functions, presumeably so that you don't have to link in the stdlibraries keeping an executable size down. Has some extras.

Decapitation by Execution
22 Oct 1998 (catalog date)
988,023 bytes
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Released at event ASM98 in the demo division and ranked XX

Unreleased - The Lost Collection by DNA
29 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
1,310,262 bytes
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The file DNA-UNRE.EXE inside this .zip contained the Alfons.1344 virus. The executable was removed on 29 Jan 1997 and repacked.

Chop Mod! v1.6 Convert Amiga 2.x executables to MOD
09 Sep 1996 (catalog date)
13,520 bytes
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Xm-exe 1.5 by Ian Luck
18 Aug 1998 (catalog date)
215,789 bytes
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Combines playback code and XM/MOD file(s) to create a Win9x/NT executable of the XM/MOD(s). FEATURES: Balls-on accurate reproduction, Linear/Spline interpolated mixing, Volume/Pan ramping, Surround sound, 5 Band equalizer, Compression, WAV writer, Multi-XM, Nice GUI.

Pakkeli by TSOL of Execution
13 Dec 1998 (catalog date)
306,606 bytes
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Released at event ASM98 in the mmul division and ranked XX

Live Executions by jesterhed of rapture
19 Feb 1998 (catalog date)
615,452 bytes
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summer v2 by marq of execution
13 Dec 1998 (catalog date)
352,019 bytes
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Released at event ASM98 in the mmul division and ranked XX