Chaotic Fractal Screensaver by Magister of Phazix /code/effects/fractal/mfract.zip
| 24 Apr 1998 (catalog date)
16,607 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | A screensaver of sorts (plain DOS only, no Windows 95) that zooms into the Mandelbrot set and animates the Julia set. Source code included. Also includes a text file that explains fractals and how to generate them. Text, assembler, protected-mode.
Tom's Plasma by Tom Dibble /code/effects/plasma/tplas11.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
139,950 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Decent plasma example - Has some "fractal clouds" code too. Needs a random number generator of it's own so that there isn't the huge data file of mostly random numbers that goes along with it.
Tutorial #17 by Denthor of Asphyxia /code/tutors/denthor/tut17.zip
| 11 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
18,411 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Asphyxia VGA demo trainer:Pixel Morphing & Static - Pixel Morphing is similar to the one of the first few things in Crystal Dream II, or imagine the IFS fractal morphing of Verses or Hex Appeal.