The Mag by Spellcaster /code/mags/mag11.zip
| 01 Jul 1997 (catalog date)
95,422 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:   
| A serial coding magazine. Sorting, matrix algebra, geometric transformations, more complex 3d, still adding to that game. (This magazine has come a long way since issue one and is entirely progressive.)
3d Lib by deks /code/tutors/math/3dlib.zip
| 19 Jan 1998 (catalog date)
6,095 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:   
| Simple vector and matrix functions. Useless unless you know what they do, and easier to make than use if you do know. Correct code (and math) at the very least.
Oberheim Matrix 1000 Samples by Soundwave /music/samples/swoberhm.zip
| 11 Oct 1997 (catalog date)
34,540,308 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | This is yet another sample pack made for those with samplers and high-end trackers. 50 samples are in this pack, all coming from bank 0 (!) of the Oberheim Matrix 1000. The Oberheim Matrix 1000 is a nice little analog synthesizer with classic Oberheim sounds, for those who don't know. The samples were done on a Turtle Beach Tropez. Hopefully this provides a tad better audio quality than the Pro Audio Spectrum 16 (which in itself wasn't bad). Sorry, no loop points or envelopes are provided.