Tutorial 8 in C by Snowman of Hornet /code/tutors/denthor/tut08new.zip
| 11 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
42,817 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:  
| Asphyxia VGA demo trainer:Tut 8 in C:3d basics - Includes Denthor's original tutorial release within and has the compiled exe. Remember, these are only basics. (Snowman added a little of his own to this... I loved vector balls spelling things. :)
3DS converter by MRI of Doomsday /code/utils/3d/3dsrdr13.zip
| 25 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
6,754 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:    
| Reads a 3ds file and outputs an easier to read format. An update of Jare's 3dsrdr12. Get the above for usefulness, get Jare's original version for posterity or more complete informations.
16 Fix by Zest /music/programs/trackers/16fix.zip
| 14 Mar 1997 (catalog date)
4,878 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | Fixes the problem with loading *.RAW 16-bit mono sound files into fasttrackerii -- having to press "16-bit" and "no" every time you load a sound, can get boring. this program replaces all your *.RAW files with *.IFF sounds, that load into fasttracker without any fuss. The search for *.RAW files is recursive, i.e. all sub-directories beneath the one you are fix'ing, will be fix'ed too .. careful!! the original .RAW files are ERASED. also, if you have other than 16-bit sound files in your collection, you should sort them first, placing your 16-bit files in a seperate directory, before using FIX. This program is freeware. Enjoy :)