Sound Deluxe System 5.04 by Maple Leaf /code/audio/players/sds504.zip
| 17 Jan 1999 (catalog date)
603,983 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| This player supports a lot of different module formats, but the GUS support seems to have a bug because I hear nothing, while it works great on my Soundblaster Pro. It supports a lot of different languages, including Turbo Basic!
Alias by Minimalist /code/effects/rotozoom/alias.zip
| 25 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
164,287 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Scaling, rotating, anti-aliasing. There's a turboC, WatcomC, and Pascal version of this program all included. Admittedly, he cheats the palette on anti-aliasing (as shown by using most any non-grayscale image), the programming is good nonetheless.
Bin to H by Lev Iserovich /code/utils/compiler/bin2h.zip
| 12 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
11,097 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| A bin 2 h/obj. Actually produces obj files, but only works with Turbo C with a little tweaking for Borland C. (same company yes, slightly different compilers.) (By extension, you should be able to get it to work with TASM.)
tinyRTL by Solar Designer /code/utils/compiler/bpc-trtl.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
13,314 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| A pas TPU with source for creating small exes - A TPU that replaces the system TPU in Turbo Pascal so that small .exes can be made. The example .exes are deceiving as there is no built in support for writing text and other such things. Knowledge of assembler will be necessary for most programs you'd write with this.