Vfixppsl - Vesa Fix Pixels Per Scan Line by Saint /code/utils/graphics/vfixppsl.zip
| 12 Jun 1998 (catalog date)
2,392 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | This little TSR sets the number of pixels per scan line to match the x resolution of the visible screen. Usefull for demos / games that assume the logical width of a scan line to be equal to the physical width. Includes ASM source code.
Metabolic Virtual File System 1.0 by Slater of Metabolic /music/programs/unusual/mvfs.zip
| 12 Jun 1997 (catalog date)
36,850 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | MetaBolic Virtual File System is a set of DOS-based utilities which allow a user to create virtual links to files. This way a file can be present many times on your harddisk while using diskspace only once. The system is transparant to existing and future applications. Virtual files can be accessed just as if they were real files.