r-id4.zip 268606 ** ID4 by Ribbon r_urya_f.zip 51536 [n/a] Urya by Ribbon - WIR96:in64:04: radiance.zip 11414 **+ Radiance by Mystery Arts - SCE96:in4k:11: radiatio.zip 10939 ***+ Radiation by Net of Urinate - PS96:in4k:03: ravage.zip 596436 *+ Ravage by TBE - BIZ96:demo:10: ravetro.zip 70961 **+ Ravetro by Byteam - CAC96B:in64:??: rc-bie4k.zip 10169 *+ Bie by Piffi of Rectum Cauda - BP96:in4k:??: rc-drol2.zip 394500 [n/a] Drolle 2 by Rectum Cauda rc-funk.zip 46279 *+ Funk by Rectum Cauda - FDG96:in64:08: rc-latex.zip 41281 * Latexmania by Rectum Cauda - BP96:in80:??: rc-paper.zip 60443 ** Paper Roach by Rectum Cauda - FDG96:in64:05: rc-sand.zip 270774 * Sand by Rectum Cauda : ,,, rc-sand2.zip 276509 *+ Sand 2 by Rectum Cauda : ,,, rc-sand3.zip 923627 *+ Sand 3 by Rectum Cauda - TP96:demo:26: rc-sylt.zip 455812 * Jordgubbs Sylt by Rectum Cauda - I96:infs:06: rc-tur.zip 53855 * Tur I Skogen by Rectum Cauda - BP96:in80:??: rc_au2.zip 187166 * Au 2 by Rectum Cauda - FDG96:demo:09: rc_ergub.zip 6006 ** Surgi Ergub by Frutopia of Rectum Cauda - | BP96:in4k:??: rc_fjmp3.zip 7123 + Fjomptro 3 by Heizahn of Rectum Cauda - | BP96:in4k:??: rcdemo.zip 78093 ** Recontact by Madokan rcn-orzo.zip 784025 **** D'Orzo by Recreation - TMDC96:demo:01: rcnserge.zip 854427 ***+ Sergei by Recreation - ASM96:demo:12: realsux.zip 40647 **+ Real Sux by DDT - ENL96:in64:02: reanim8r.zip 3553899 **** Reanimator by Rage - TP95:demo:03: rectile.zip 62784 * Rectile by ??? - JUH96A:in64:XX: refiniti.zip 122659 *+ Refiniti by Hexeter reflect.zip 51252 ** Reflect by Xenocide refract.zip 24264 **** Refraction by Abaddon revolt.zip 64444 *** Revolt by Amnesty - GP96:in64:01: revolutn.zip 4172 **** Revolution by Marathon Man - EUS96:in4k:01: rhino.zip 522562 **+ Rhino by Dr. Dyregod & Kompany - FDG96:demo:05: ringnes.zip 254919 *** Ringens Motion by The Joker rip.zip 150280 ** Rip by NuggiTraders riplview.zip 57512 **+ Ripple Viewer by Hellcore ripoff.zip 597365 * Ripoff by Acne - BIZ96:demo:07: rle_xs96.zip 133254 *+ XMas 96 by RelE ron-dlin.zip 1601 *** BBS The Deadline by rOn ronsu.zip 24931 * Ronsu by Hirmu - JUH96A:in64:08: rotali.zip 2635406 **** Rotaliator by Dubius - SKE96:demo:05: rotex.zip 3670 *+ Rotex by Sairf - EUS96:in4k:05: rox_rf.zip 1224247 ***+ Hard Rox by Skal - WIR96:demo:01: rptoasty.zip 951029 ** Toasty by Red Power - GAR96:demo:06: rtc_insd.zip 80955 *** Inside by Resistance - MEK96:in64:02: running.zip 11092 **** Running Wild by Hurricane - SCE96:in4k:02: rush_pkl.zip 283126 ** Rushed by Pankakeland