r_area.zip 1206422 ***+ Area by Ribbon - WIR97:demo:05: r_plume.zip 2241437 ***+ Plume by Ribbon : 386,VESA,,8MB r_pulpin.zip 44453 *** Pulpina by Ribbon - VOL97:in64:01: : 386,,GUS, r_tv.zip 367943 **+ Real TV by Real - EVK97:demo:05: : ,VESA,GUS/SB, rabbit.zip 47676 ** Rabbitfire by Monster : ,,GUS/SB, rb_how.zip 302528 **+ How Can You Get Yours? by Reality Benders - | ASM97:demo:XX: : 486,,GUS/SB/PAS, rc-bade.zip 1062234 *+ De Bader Hver Dag by Rectum Cauda : | 386,,GUS/SB,6MB rc-bamse.zip 143589 *+ Seigmenn og Bamsemums by Rectum Cauda - | DST97:infs:01: rc-final.zip 491058 **+ Final by Rectum Cauda - TP97:demo:13: : | 386DX,,GUS/SB, rc-getme.zip 4505 **+ Getmem by Rectum Cauda - I97:in4k:01: rc-hippi.zip 62063 **+ Hippiness by Rectum Cauda - BP97:in64:05: : | 386,,GUS, rc-humle.zip 6170 ** Humle by Piffi of Rectum Cauda - TG97:in4k:02: rc-jiaki.zip 1102996 * Things Do Not Change by Rectum Cauda rc-maxq.zip 1442224 ** Maxquest by Rectum Cauda rc-norge.zip 313210 * Kajania Spriker Pa Norge by Rectum Cauda rc-ocean.zip 69197 **+ Ocean by Rectum Cauda - TG97:in64:04: rc-pav7.zip 1691262 [n/a] Paviljon 7 by Rectum Cauda : 386,,GUS,6MB rc-sand4.zip 3492800 **+ Sand 4 by Rectum Cauda - TG97:demo:06: : | 386,,GUS/SB,13MB rc-sko.zip 53572 [n/a] Skogen by Rectum Cauda - TG97:in64:05: rc-smaxw.zip 425291 ** Supermaxwel by Rectum Cauda - BP97:demo:10: : | ,,GUS, rc-veg.zip 911925 *+ Vegaanii by Rectum Cauda rc_14tis.zip 46107 **+ Fjortiss by Rectum Cauda - SNS97:in64:11: rc_hall.zip 75290 * Jeg Bor Her I Denne Hallen by Rectum Cauda - | DST97:in64:06: rc_mat92.zip 476888 [n/a] Hindu Vil Ha Kjeks #2 by Rectum Cauda - | TG97:infs:02: rcn-alex.zip 1080838 ***+ Alexandrei Pjotroviz by Recreation - | ASM97:demo:11: : ,VESA,, rcn-func.zip 66129 ***+ Function by Recreation - TP97:in64:11: : | ,VESA,GUS, rcn-grbl.zip 208213 **** Greble by Recreation - ASM97:in64:02: : | 486DX,,GUS/SB,6.5MB rcn-ma3f.zip 1363873 **** MA3 (final) by Recreation - TG97:demo:07: rcn-tahf.zip 1370884 ***+ Tahma by Recreation - TMDC97:demo:01: : ,,,15MB realtime.zip 2803 *+ Real Time by Sagan of Thunderbolts - | WIR97:in4k:04: rel_c00p.zip 6569 ** Co-op by Relentless, ABC - KER97:in4k:??: reliq.zip 28005 ** Reliq by Sentient Lifeforms - MEK97:in4k:05: : | ,,GMIDI, resnow.zip 2474684 **** Resurrection Now by Jamm - ASM97:demo:12: retribut.zip 5768 *** Retribution by Netrunner of Fauve - | RAGE97:in4k:05: retro.zip 64451 *** Retrospection by The Grid - IO97:in64:01: rewlz-hc.zip 4892 *** Rewlz Hardcore by Lorenzo, Blala - | RAGE97:in4k:01: : 386,,GUS, rns.zip 619222 [n/a] Renaissance by PI Labs : P100,SVGA,GUS/SB, rnxitk97.zip 270330 *** In the Kitchen '97 by Rednex - TP97:demo:10: : | 486,VESA,GUS/SB/PAS, robo.zip 3648 + Robo by Robo - TG97:in64:15: robotnik.zip 2109514 ****+ Robotnik by Rage - TG97:demo:02: : | 486DX,,GUS/SB,8MB romasux.zip 589713 [n/a] Roma by Wimp - DST97:demo:07: room101.zip 77760 *** Room 101 by Orca - I97:in64:01: : ,50hzVGA,, rt-space.zip 8057 *** Space Attack by Riot - TP97:in4k:03: : ,,GUS, rventil.zip 124006 **+ Peraventtiili by Tarzan Tuotanto - ASM97:in64:XX: | : ,,GUS/SB, rvl-blue.zip 68227 *** Blue Blue by Revelation - EUS97:in64:04: : ,,GUS, rvl-milk.zip 777039 *** Milkshake by Revelation - WIR97:demo:06: : | 486,,GUS, rvl-ters.zip 15072 *** Terse by Babyloon of Zen, Revelation - | LTP97:in4k:??: : ,,, rvl_i.zip 63231 ***+ Revelation 1 by Revelation - GRV97:in64:03: : | ,VESA,GUS,