1000isla.zip 794074 ** Thousand Islands by Jaws - MEK98:grfx:38: : | 640x480x16m 1980_by_.zip 30407 ***+ 1980 by Shar of Forsaken - ASM98:grfx:08: : | 640x480x16 1layout.zip 513233 [n/a] Layout by ?? of ?? - MEK98:grfx:??: : 564x600x16m 30min.zip 23437 [n/a] Bill Gates with or without tits by Artman, | Samsam, Cheeta, Chap : 30Min Gfx Compo on | chPixel 30min26.zip 136853 [n/a] Alien by Jamon, Ilke, Pain, DerPunkt : 30Min Gfx | Compo on chPixel 30mins19.zip 138925 [n/a] Unreal babydoll by Optic, Java, Rez, Void, PL, | Orome : 30Min Gfx Compo on chPixel, 19th 3da_2hrs.zip 376608 *+ 2hrs by 3D Addict of Digital Nerds - | TO98:grfx:08: : 527x456x16m 8_bits.zip 504684 [n/a] 8 bits are enough by TGI of Brainfart | audiovisuals - MEK98:grfx:05: : 640x480x256