MC6 Round 1 Results - Dark Souls

"Dark Souls"


Andreas Marauder

This song competed in the intermediate division of Music Contest 6, where it ranked in block 1.

Judge: Trencsenyi ,Zsolt

That acoustic guitar melody in channels 0-3 is the same all over the song, but transposed... that's a bit boring. The samples are good, their quality is fine too, but You totaly forgot to use stereo panning, that reduces Your score for the technical side. You should used more effects on the acoustic guitar so it could become more realistic. Lower volume is not enough, try to set a slight sample offset and vibrato around. Your song is one of those betters in Your division, but You will have to make Your songs more interesting, variable and stereo in the future.

Judge: Knutsen ,Joern

Nice guitar background. Leads are good, too. But you have 'overused' the glissado and vibrato. Rythm is ok, a little usual. Instr. 14 could be played in a much better way. Samples fit nicely together.The 'form' is good, nice endig, beginig not so good, though.

Judge: Kim ,Rob

At first I found this song unappealing, but listening to it a few times over, it was suprisingly good. The song flows well, maybe the intro could be tweaked a little, and the the flute lead panned with another instrument. Stereo effects would really help this song.

Judge: Nel ,Jonathan

The first time i really listened to this, I was very impressed with your tracking skill, and i feel that you really could have entered the veteran section. Your skill is most noticable when listening to your lead, i found you used it excellently, not using too many effects, but enough to show you know what you are doing. Your structure is exemplary, the chorus of your song is what i most enjoyed. There really were few flaws when judging on overall score, a very nice tune. Good Luck.

Judge: Norilo ,Vesa

Really nice human-like strumming in the beginning, but the pads and the lead don't live up to the example. Percussion is a tad on the weak side, but this song has effort and mood to spare. Guitar lead sample is so poor (is it a guitar lead?) that you should either get a better sound or track like a madman. Some parts were forcibly glued together. Maybe an acoustic guitar would have been even better for the strumming. And bury that flute sample somewhere deep. Tambourine is too loud and gets annoying after a brief while. Some good key changes but they should be handled technically better. Overrall, a very good effort, thumbs up for you.

Judge: Bertilsson ,Henrik

The beginning's good, something says me that the authors has been playing guitar as the notes are nicely taken. A beautifull but short song, apart from the disted guitar and the bagpipe(when did invent bagpipes with pitchbends?) or maybe it is a harmonica, nevertheless the songs intention are good, and the vinylguitar is wonderfull. After the disted part the acoustic guitar is unbeatable. Very nice chordchanges, very nice indees. The samples are well chosen, except from the disted guitar. If that one was swapped with another one, maybe a whole riff, and the technical adjustements were made with more panning on the acoustics, less bending on the bagpipe, and if the author skips the arabic influences on the flute, this would be an 85 or 90. As it is now, all I can give is 65 in overall, but this song has potential. And it's beautifull.

Judge: Pugh ,Matthew

This song is one of the few songs that hits right on my music taste. I can honestly say that I got the chills when I first heard it. As far as I could tell, the song was flawless. The instruments fit the song, and the patterns flowed smoothly. Definitely a work of art. I can't say anything bad about this song, it was not too long, not too short, no instrument was too outstanding or to quiet. A well balenced song. Good Job!