MC6 Round 1 Results - Missing Peices

"Missing Peices"


Adam JHayfield

This song competed in the intermediate division of Music Contest 6, where it ranked in block 7.

Judge: Pickard ,Jonathan

Were tracks 1-3 once played by a guitar sample? It looks as if it were tracked for guitar but the instrument were replaced for whatever reason (and this song really needed guitars there or some more low strings or _something_ to weight down the low end). Orders 13 and 14 were incredibly stop-and-go, and seemed to be rather disoriented and lost. They needed something to hold them up, to hold the song together. You committed the traditional intermediate sin, which is forgetting to adjust dynamics on things like drum tracks in a consistent fashion (I'm thinking orders 16-17 could have used a bit of detailing with the volume control on the bass drum). The low strings were almost inaudible and seemed more like they were arguing with the song than supporting it where it was audible. A violin sound shouldn't fade off into nothingness quite like that. If I were you I'd pay more attention to that volume column and spectral balance. You've got some good riffs in this tune; let us hear them.

Judge: Almon ,Barry

nice little ambient piece; sounds like a movie soundtrack; Samples #12 & #13 are really nice. Good change up around pattern 15. Needed some kind of bassline to balance the low frequencies with the highs. Some parts wander aimlessly. Little too long as well. A nice short conclusion would have been good around pattern 25.

Judge: Telgarsky ,Matus

Volume doesn't change much, so work on that. The Samples are very standard, try to be more creative. The song lacks uniqueness and creativity and gets boring.

Judge: DelCarpio ,Derek

sample 16, panflute is out of tune Bass drum is overpowering on patter 4 and 5 balance isn't really there, the melody is either too loud or the drum is too loud, balance is the small fine tuning that should be done after the song is completed Lack direction on the melody, change some of the chords around so it can actually move and encourage the listener to stay around for the suprises you have in store

Judge: Lee ,Elliott

A good song but what kills me is that the chords are just slightly off between the flutes and the piano. It just ruins the harmony because instead of following the melody of flute, you get distracted by the odd key interaction. Dissonance can be used creatively, but usually it's reserved for more mood-building songs you are likely to find in soundtracks or cartoon music. If that was not the intended effect, then you should probably check a chord wheel to make sure that all notes follow the same key.