MC6 Round 1 Results - Tear Myself Apart |
"Tear Myself Apart" ( by
John Mild
This song competed in the intermediate division of Music Contest 6, where it ranked in block 4. |
Judge: Mccuen ,Steve Starts with simple premise. Then builds and adds the other instruments to add to the overall sound. Very catchy tune that I could listen to for a long time. Then on pattern 19 the sound fades away and then comes back to the front of the tune to be faded back into silence. Might be able to play this one on a Roland keyboard. Just wish it would keep going. |
Judge: Epp ,Jonathan The beginning is kinda cheesy, but it's not bad. Nice beat. The first few orders show a fair bit of promise, but as it goes on it loses focus. Orders 13-16 are quite boring and pointless. Order 17 is cool, but the lead-in isn't so hot. The same pattern is repeated 7 times to end the song (?!?). It's a nice sounding pattern, but let's see some variation. Seems like the composer had some good ideas but just didn't know how to expand on them well enough. |
Judge: JiménezChapresto ,Eduardo An excepcional begining for a ordinary tune. After pattern 17 it has no sense and it sounds disordered. The samples have a good quality. The technique is also very good, but the form of the song is what really bring it down. |
Judge: Pakula ,Taylor The first thing I said to myself when the drums came in was, "Coolio." I then found myself wondering when the drums were going to kick in full force, but I felt like the song was incomplete when they never did. Listening to the samples individually I feel the drumtrack could have been fantastically more interesting. There were lots of different snares and percussion instruments but I couldn't hear them anywhere in the song. This inefficiency, together with the lack of rhythmic complexity just about killed this song. My ears wanted to hear pitch-based panning on the initial piano sound. And speaking of the piano sound, what was with the first 12 samples? I think they were just progressively longer (and lower quality) samples of the same sound. The composer could have used a single high quality looped sample and a well-constructed instrument in place of the 12 unexplainably inefficient samples to achieve the same (if not better) results. Balance is another issue that needed to be addressed in this song: at the end of order 8 through order 10 the lead piano gets almost buried by the rhythm piano. On the plus side, the chord changes were well thought out and flowed together with a skill befitting of a talented musician. The happy ending made me want to open my blinds and let the sun shine in (too bad it's 4 am as I'm writing this :). This composer shows real talent, but the talent is hidden by a poor execution. |
Judge: West ,David Very nice intro but it disentegrates as the bottom falls out of the song. It's an above average song but had a lot of unused potential. Needs some better harmony and desperately needed a bassline. The samples were good and didn't clash. A fadeout ending did not help the song at all. The melody could've used a lot of work. Good luck on your next song! |