MC6 Round 1 Results - Tidewater Moon |
"Tidewater Moon" ( by
Christopher shaithis
This song competed in the intermediate division of Music Contest 6, where it ranked in block 5. |
Judge: Dahlin ,Nicolas The beginning is really cool - but it doesn't get much further than that. The background stays that way and different melodies are put over it with samples which sound like you've picked samples without thinking where in your piece they would go, and how they would be used. This makes the tune messy and repetitive even though it's only a little over 2 minutes. It seems unfinished, but you had lots of time left of your 4 minutes. |
Judge: Sega ,Andrew Another mellow-rock song. That pulse lead and guitars sound very familiar... I think the person sampled my XP-50 :> Structure is respectable, but not exciting. Execution is decent, the samples are used fairly well. Song is way too short, though, and never has a climax or resolution. |
Judge: JiménezChapresto ,Eduardo A good tune, though the final is under the rest of the song. It is not very original, but it has a good sample quality and a depurated technique. |
Judge: Pakula ,Taylor The first thing that grabbed me about this song was its catchiness. It was a little too simple and I would have liked to have heard more of the song (read: not long enough). By simple I mean there weren't enough chord changes to satisfy my ear. The guitar on channels 26 and 27 was used in a very interesting, texture-expanding way in orders 21-23. The samples were where this song suffered. The selection of samples was plagued by poor loops and quantization noise, and the crash cymbals sounded too fake. A more realistic, less synthy-sounding crash sample would have fit better with the rest of the drum kit. The lead sample on chans. 25-27 sounded out of tune, but perhaps this was just the result of the too-slow portamento efects. This is typical, solid tracked music. It's catchier-than-usual feel earned it the slightly above average score. |
Judge: West ,David Enjoyable. Too ambient though, some variety would have been nice. The melody didn't stick out at all but it really didn't need too. The biggest problem this song had was it's lack of movement. It seemed to stay the same all the way from the beginning to the end. Not that there was much of an end. The samples were good but some were too low quality. The overall mood was okay but nothing great. Some more work on this song would've done wonders. Good luck on your next song! |