MC6 Round 1 Results - Time Of The Oblivion

"Time Of The Oblivion"


Libor Wark

This song competed in the intermediate division of Music Contest 6, where it ranked in block 1.

Judge: Voss ,Andrew

Nice layering. I think this song might actually have benefitted from NNA's ;). Good use of samples except possibly the drum rolls when they first appear. Gee, it's a shame the song goes way beyond 4m00s, I would've like to have heard the ending but of course I didn't have to!

Judge: Pickard ,Jonathan

The organ at the beginning is nice, if maybe taken too high. It works great with the well-thought-out, very realistic, very piano-ish piano line. (Something a lot of people forget is how to play their instruments.) The acoustic guitar at order 13 was similarly authentic. Manages to be pretty symphonic with very synthetic but well-sampled instruments. Good melodies (if just a bit traditional) and good treatment of them. Coherence is a plus. The ending was realistic, but not thrilling. Good use of pattern skip and note off. Tympani was subtle in orders 07 and 08, almost at the edge of hearing, but they sound good down there. Overall, this song strikes me as a little uninspired. Well, maybe not uninspired as much as uninspiring. There are places where the song sounds a bit plain. But it's not even plain so much as it is _stable_. Some people like stability, I suppose.

Judge: Almon ,Barry

Really nice track, demo style tracks are quite hard and complex (future crew). This track seems to capture all the qualities of a demo track very nicely. The good rythme and string variations, along with good samples kept this song going strong. Nice

Judge: Telgarsky ,Matus

Nice theme. Play around with volume (slides and regular volume settings). Change some rhythms around to make the song more interesting.

Judge: DelCarpio ,Derek

tuning between samples isn't too good, especially 15(voice) and 16(guitar) dynamics in the first patterns would make a HUGE difference ride cymbal that kicks on 6 is too loud and doesn't fit with the song trumpet samples are hard to perfect, try doubling the trumpet melody with a fuller sounding sample to get the true brass sound pattern 16 - guitar solo is AWESOME pattern 22-24 - high pitch used could use a lower volume: piercing tones excellent use of harp good ending GOOD SONG