MC6 Round 1 Results - Iron Temple

"Iron Temple"


Peter EmpPter

This song competed in the rookie division of Music Contest 6, where it ranked in block 7.

Judge: Grillmaier ,Sebastian

Most samples (including drums and leads) are played at too low pitches. The leads are not tuned. The melody knows only one kind of notes: those which are 4 rows long. I know lots of the samples from my MOD collection. Basslines are ok/good in parts, beats are the most simple thing you can imagine (and the most boring, too) : bd, snare, bd, snare alternating on 1 and 3, and a closed hihat playing on every position. Never changing, only sometimes stopping. Panning is nothing special. The song is done in 10 channels, but it sounds like 5 or 6.

Judge: Lamy ,William

Some ideas, but wasted by over-downsampled sound and monotony. Your snare sample really lacks of brillance, and a very low cymbal does not make a pretty gong :) It seems you created a pattern you liked, and pasted it all around the song, raising or decreasing the tone to produce changes. Music is not so simple ! Try to include drums variations, cuts, soli, etc. Even the melodies are all the same. Bass lines give lots of groove too. Examine some famous mods to convince yourself.

Judge: Kemp ,Brian

I enjoyed this song a lot. The samples were of a good quality--very groovy 80's analogue--but what is that last sample? It sounds like a PVC pipe! Bravo on using such a unique and tuned sample. Your tracking used effects properly and panning well, however your drum line should be reworked for the most part. The snare was too loud (it fit okay, it was just too loud) and the closed hihat sounded more like my alarm clock than a rhythmic instrument. Try synchopating your drum lines a bit and you'll be fine. Adding an open hihat might have worked a bit. The cymbal crashes got your point across. The trance element in this is heavy, and for the most part it works except for the fact that the tune isn't thick enough--it needs some soft sustaining strings or something similar to that... The PVC pipe solo is just hilarious! The ending was not as unsatisfactory as it could have been--it at least had a strong element of finality in it.

Judge: Ashton ,Clayton

This was a somewhat interesting tune, even if it was straight out of the Escape from Newyork soundtrack >:D Some of the samples were pretty 80'ish but i guess i can't judge a song based on its decade. The basic idea behind tune was intruiging, but the technical skill used in this song could probably use a little work to make this a good song. And while the choppy sort of not transitions were part of the overall style, I can't help but think that some work in that area to make it a little more subtle and smooth might make this a better tune. Some deeper comlexity would also probably help, as the tune seemed at points to become a little too simplistic making it less enjoyable.

Judge: Lee ,Elliott

This is technically a pretty solid song, mainly because of its simplicity. Stylewise, it is rather repetitive but not overly so. More complex chords would be welcome as there usually seems to be just the bass, percussion, and maybe a synth. The biggest areas of improvement are in panning (more variation), memory usage (the 16-bit samples aren't really that clean; the same sound could have been achieved with 8-bit samples), and organisation (what are the distinct parts of the song and how do they relate to the title?). There's some possibilities that are in the song, but I don't think that they were realised here...