MC6 Round 1 Results - Omicron



Rosario Wizard

This song competed in the rookie division of Music Contest 6, where it ranked in block 8.

Judge: Kemp ,Brian

I didn't like this as much as I probably should have. The samples were of a satisfactory quality (what you should strive for in Music Contest) and the tracking was somewhat okay. First of all, I noticed you didn't use effect 6xx correctly all the time. Effect 6 only holds a vibrato if a 4xx command has been given to it. Otherwise it functions the exact same way an Axx command does. You could have used Axx. Second of all, all that appreggio is hard on the ears. It had a nice effect, but you held the chaos too long towards the end of the song. Thirdly, you shifted keys (especially in the beginnging) TOO MUCH for my ears. Every 16 lines was a new scale, and that motion tends to annoy and confuse people. The echoes you did on some leads obscured them rather than helped them because you didn't change the echo with the lead. It sounded more like an error than a deliberate effect. The panning you used was pretty cool and it kept things interesting. The clicking bubble sample was overused too much as an effect, IMO.

Judge: Rudge ,Bryan

I'm really not too sure what to make of this tune.. the beginning (which Im calling everything before order 27) really had potential and sounded relatively clean, but after that, it got insane.. here are some notes: I liked the dissonance in the opening patterns, reminded me of some older video games (that's actually a compliment :)).. Although, only when the drums came in did I realize what the style of the tune was meant to be.. that could be because the opening 'guitar' samples were either a little synthetic sounding, or just weren't played in the fashion I would expect...things are OK until the lead "distorted" guitar comes in.. the lead is extremely out of tune and some of the technique gets a little sloppy.. of course, @ order 27 everything changes: "if you want to write a crackhead tune that's fine, but it can be done with a tighter technique and less of a mess as far as sound goes...".. I actually like the idea of changing in the tune to something stranger but try to go easy on the 'leads' that go all over the place and be cautious with those heavy drums because they're nice but can overwhelm a listener..

Judge: Tumidajewicz ,Przemek

I haven't found very much good ideas in this piece. There were lacks of harmony in guitar solos and also the arpeggios in (order 28-29) weren't a good idea. I liked the perc samples you used and the panning effect on the background distorted guitar, but that would be all. Your tune as a whole lacked sense. There was some action, but the flow was chaotic and seemed not thought over.

Judge: Wu ,Chang

Hard rock - nice try. Overall this song lacks originallity and is very tedious. Solo guitar sample|line is horrid. Not pretty creative.

Judge: Moyes ,Glen

The clean at the intro could have used just a little bit more work. At times it sounded accidental, and not as good as it could have been. The distorted guitars sounded pretty good! However, the lead riffs (and bass) also could have used more work. The transition between orders 26 to 27 was too sudden. Most of the Heavy Metal I've listened too would have put in a fast drum rool or something to introduce that fast part of the song. Towards the end, the song was not nearly as good as the first parts of the song was, especially when you started to bring in instruments into the song that didn't fit in with the basic Rock instruments. Overall, pretty good, but some parts really needed some work, but the song was enjoyable.