MC6 Round 1 Results - Open Cave

"Open Cave"


Samuel Zetape

This song competed in the rookie division of Music Contest 6, where it ranked in block 7.

Judge: Schulze ,Markus

One of my favourite tracks. The main melody sounds a bit as if it were the theme of some 60's crime TV series or something. The beginning of this melody is in my opinion a little bit too quiet. The samples are fairly original without being too weird. Especially the percussion sounds are really nice. I like that drumloop (if you don't play it alone). I think that a bit more variation would have been good, a little mood change around the middle or the end for example. Also I wouldn't have used the same sample for the melody line throughout the whole song. But nevertheless I really like this song.

Judge: Roirand ,Johan

bass sample sounds really false. some other samples would need also some finetunes fixes; yep, it sounds really false! but the song is really interesting, and features some great ideas. The technique has just to be improved a lot!

Judge: Sega ,Andrew

Jazzy weirdness with some interesting drumloops, spoiled by totally random melodies sprinkled on top. The composer has a good feel for dynamics and different textures, but he needs to get a book or scales or something because a trained monkey could do better melodies than this. The out of tune samples are the nail in the coffin.

Judge: Carman ,Richard

I thought this might of been a good peice. The begining is cool, cept it's repeated throughout the song. The lead(s) are really out of sync with anything else. It sounds all weird.

Judge: Burrell ,Mike

You seem to have mastered the technical aspects of tracking very well. Mood was created really well, the samples were chosen well and fit well together, and there were some very good dynamics in there. The thing is that there was not real melody, as it seemed that notes were just put down randomly. There was some awful dissonance all over the place. So maybe the first thing you should do it come up with a basic melody or chord progression and then work around that.