MC6 Round 1 Results - Plutonium Rain |
"Plutonium Rain" ( by
George Drakken
This song competed in the rookie division of Music Contest 6, where it ranked in block 6. |
Judge: Trencsenyi ,Zsolt Ahh, a great entry in this division. I liked Your song very much. Nice intro, and a cool transition to the dramatic main part. That thunderbolt effect was also a good idea. This song is full of harmony, and also dynamic and catchy. And all done in 8 channels! Perfect. The only weakness of Your song is the sample quality, but that's a general problem in the rookie cathegory. There is also a very sharp transition between pattern 1 and 2. Be careful with those samples! Don't let the wave tips be cutted, rather use lower volume. And You don't need to use a pattern break after the 48th row when You can set the pattern length to 30h instead. A powerful entry, technically well done and excellent use of the channels. But use more channels and better samples next time :) and You may try compete with the veterans. |
Judge: Knutsen ,Joern The samples doesn't fit together. Nice piano intro. Too sudden break to pattern 8. And from here on out it gets really bad. Too noisy!! And you should not break patterns here and there, therefor low scor on trackingtechnique. The piece itself is rather bad. Low formscore, because of the sudden jumps. |
Judge: Kim ,Rob Weird rock tune. Sounds like something from "Castlevania". The piano is well done and the chord progression is varied. This piece could be improved by using better samples, patterns 8-17 are too loud, especially in the strings and the drums are poor quality. Good ending with the tempo changes and the volumes of the piano. |
Judge: Zahn ,Derek I had very contrasting opinions on parts of this song; first the good: I loved the little countermelodies and the nice piano work. The bad: the song did not seem to fit together very well; the repetitive loud sections were kind of loud for being so "dissonant"; the thunder and rain sound idea is way too cliche; some of the samples were very noisy. But as i say, some of the melodic elements are very promising! |
Judge: Nowik ,George The concept of what I am hearing right now is very well put together. The thunder is a great touch to the song. I think the main critisizm is the piano sample. In an effort to save sample space, piano samples are skimped out on. Trust me, you want to use as much piano as you can. Cover your octaves. Now we are into the power end of this song here. It came in a little abruptly. It certainy got my attention, but I don't know if it got me in the right way. The percussion instruments are a little harsh and the electric guitar is played a little low from its original sampling rate. The two different moods seem to offset each other rather than complement each other, but the concept is certainly original. Eight channels is nothing to laugh at, however. I'm very imressed, as it's not often that limited channel work is used these days. The concept is very well done. Very nice ending. |
Judge: Bertilsson ,Henrik A beautifull piano-arrangement in the beginning gives this song its credits. It earns a 45 on the overall scale, but performed live, this song would hit big, but in a tracker, and only eight channels, limits this song. Give this song to Meatloaf and get down to business! The hardrock part is cool, but a little stiff. I like the use of panning-effects with the rain, but dislike the choose of samples. They're to mediocre to fit in a song like this. Adjust that and this song could be a masterpiece. This author has something others lack, and that is a good idea. Too bad the samples fail him. |