MC6 Round 1 Results - Room Of Shadows

"Room Of Shadows"


Michael Red Lightning
(Red Lightning)

This song competed in the rookie division of Music Contest 6, where it ranked in block 9.

Judge: Pickard ,Jonathan

By way of preface, I don't handle hardcore techno. It's just about to notice originality in that medium, but again I confess I'm no connoisseur. A lot of the samples sound like they're from Crusaders (Amiga) songs... that guitar power chord, that sweep filtered flanged bass... needless to say it's not a great sample kit except for maybe the drums (which, incidentally, were handled moderately well). There was just no music to me in this song. Poor choices of samples totally masked any tonal structure that might have been there...

Judge: Almon ,Barry

80's industrial sounding; good sample quality. Volume control could have been used on some of the guitar samples as well as others. Sample 21 a little loud & not really fitting, unless your looking for a Moby sound. Sample 1 (orchestra hit) is a little outdated & very 80's. Love the filter echos on track 1, brings a nice trancy feel to the track. Also the sudden pause at the end of pattern 9 was placed accordingly. Repeats a little but the trancy track #1 keeps it alive.

Judge: Swoboda ,Matt

This is a horrible dissonant dirge. It has appalling untuned samples, it uses orch hits for a "melody", and if the composer has any musical ability this doesn't show it. The samples are all pretty poor old ripped ones, and together they make a sound that had me reaching for the stop button. Technically it is entirely sub-standard, and it doesn't actually seem to have a "form".. If that sounds a bit harsh, it isn't. This is most probably a composer who is just starting out with a tracker and music in general, and still has everything to learn. If you're looking for areas to improve, I can only say "everything". Maybe next time, eh?

Judge: Telgarsky ,Matus

Nice use of panning. Play some more with the volume. The whole song is way too loud and 'in your face,' making it hard to listen to and annoying.

Judge: DelCarpio ,Derek

tuning of samples is bad, it causes lots of cluttered sounds within the song lacks rhythmic and melodic variety through the song, try changing some of the chord structures around to draw the listener in.