MC6 Round 1 Results - Seregal Fires

"Seregal Fires"


Gary BelGarion

This song competed in the rookie division of Music Contest 6, where it ranked in block 9.

Judge: Torreele ,Phil

It's hard to find decent guitar samples, but one of the hardest things to do is listen to a song that is a jumble of guitar chops and strums that seem to go nowhere. The artist needs to plan out their song and make it move rather than seem to run in place. When trying to create a song structure for the first time think of it like this; You have an Introduction, a Middle, and an Ending. Without repeating patterns keep your song lively by adjusting the drums so they're not constant or make the bass different by making it rise or lower a couple of notes. Better samples would be a must in this case. Good effort though; being a guitar player myself. =]

Judge: Skogen ,Eric

hmm.. i'm classifying this as uh.. heh.. industrial. it was not too original, as i've heard many similar industrial and uhm.. guitar-based tracks before. the drums and guitar were well tracked, but the samples didn't do the sound justice. the guitar should have been multisampled in more fluid sections to get the correct range. if those were your samples, good job. if you ripped them, you could have picked some that fit the song better. the song is short, and doesn't really go anywhere. if it was a little longer, had interesting drum fills, or even a little breakdown in the middle, it would add a lot to the song. the little fill at the end was cool, though. that's the way a song SHOULD end!

Judge: Hinrichs ,Tammo

It's always hard to track guitar-based music. And well, many people fail trying to compose a metal-like song. And so did the composer of this tune. It shows no skill at all, wastes some minutes of the listener's time and doesnt even feature good or at least fitting samples. I'll give a definite "thumbs down" for this.

Judge: Friberg ,David

So far I am not liking this song much, I've heard a hihat and a rather artificial-sounding low electric guitar solo. Now there are some power chords coming in. Pretty much the same stuff until the song slows down towards the end. I'm really not sure about this song. Form is not very interesting, (c ebm bb mostly) and it doesn't really have a melody (although obviously it's not supposed to be a melodic song). For the Technical score, you generally used the power chords and soloing samples as realistically as you could have, and your samples are really not very interesting, with entirely electric guitar and drums though the actual quality of the guitar samples is not bad.

Judge: Shimamoto ,Kevin

Ok, was sorta excessive, (28@!# Channels) Needed to work on sense of *variation*, Every pattern sounds too alike; could use more twists and turns. Overall effect was numbing, too repetitive.