MC6 Round 2 Results - Moving My Elevator

"Moving My Elevator"


Tommi Tompa do Pompa
(Tompa do Pompa)

This song competed in the rookie division of Music Contest 6,
where it ranked #4.

Judge: Rudge, Bryan

intro - very nice.. i love the way the beat isnt immediately given away... the pads are a little loud, especially considering the way they are panned and so the 'leads' are drowned out in the center.. nice bass 'solo' section... form - impressive.. musical aspects of this piece are almost professional in nature and show obvious influence from other artists (if not trackers)... technique - mix the vol levels a little more and let percussion sustain (for example, dont cut off crash cymbals.. let them through.. (s74 command if necessary)), otherwise nice tracking samples = very clean.. the lead that comes in @ about 1:47 doesnt fit too well but instrumentation was original and clean... nice work

Judge: Lee, Elliott

INSTRUMENTATION/SAMPLES: The lead guitar just sounded weak and synthetic as there were many pitch portamentos uncharacteristic of real guitar solos. Maybe using 2 or 3 distinct guitar samples would have made a difference. The slow attack on the choir pads worked well as the chords seemed to melt into each other. -=-=-=- TECHNIQUE: The flute lead in the beginning just after the intro was a bit too quiet in comparison to the choir pads. The bass orchestration was well done in general. -=-=-=- ORIGINALITY: Nothing really stood out as being really original. -=-=-=- FORM: For the bass solo area, you might have brought it more out to the "front" by increasing the volumes. -=-=-=- OVERALL: Pretty good effort. -=-=-=-

Judge: Jonsson, Agust

This is no elevator, but it did move me up and down, and had me humming all the way through the tune repeatedly, truly outstanding rookie track. The samples are very good, clean and nicely tuned, with good use of nna's and envelopes in instruments, though you did cross the 32 channel boundary in the rules a bit excessively with the track topping at 65 channels! It didn't hurt my audio pleasure, but it might have turned out less perfectly right for people with lesser setups (I marked technique down a little bit for that). One other thing I didn't like much were the plucks at the end of the track on chan 25+26, I prefered the end when I simply removed those and let the track fade out. Overall though, the track is really good (which is why I gave it a few extra overall points :) and I will definitely be keeping this one around for some time. Look forward to hearing you later in another compo in int/vet category.

Judge: Haskin, Ian

- strings sound muddy with bassline, needs some EQ - nice panning - good start with bass - GREAT bassline - abrupt ending, sustain the echo longer - overall interesting to listen to but not terribly original - rookie?? no... :]

Judge: Brown, Yannis

Hey, you should have entered in Intermeditate. This is quite an impressive tune for a rookie. Nice choice of samples which work well together except perhaps that electric guitar. The rest of the tune is quite mellow and then the electric guitar is just too harsh for it, plust it just sounds plain out of place. However, you did manage to incorporate it well none-the-less. Panning was very well done, but the chords are just a little too loud because of the wide panning used on them. They tend to drown out the rest of the tune. The tune has a good flow, and is neither too short nor too long. Some of the samples are a little hissy, but they don't diminish the overall quality too much. It gets a little repetative in places too, perhaps try a key change up one semitone. The melody and chord structure is strong and memorable, and the swing beat is something I'm quite fond of. Well done!

Judge: Knutsen, Joern

Originality: The song itself isn't very original. But it hase a few mood changes and a bridge, which is nice Form: The song is boring, but it has a mood of its own. The transitions are ok. Technique: I think you use too many channels on the chords. Butyou use the effect good. Samples: Totally OK samples. Nothing more, nothing less Overall Appeal: It got of to a very slow start, but got the paste up after a while. The leads are good, but the song is just so extremly boring.

Judge: Buffoni, Mirko

Easy listening song. Amazing the slap bass line and rythmic progression, which unfortunately isn't enough sublined by the sorta-flute main theme instruments. The song doesn't present particularities that help to remember it. However the technique and quality of samples used shows a mature tracker who will grow very fast with a bit of exercise.

Judge: Putzolu, Jean-pierre

Oh holla!!! What a great beginners tune!!! I cannot beleive this is one of the first trys doing a tracker-modul. This tune is individual, has a cool drive and is nearly perfect in the modulation. The only thing that was missing, was some more freaky changes. Itīs really over everage!!! So keep on composing in future, it would be very interesting lisening to some more modules. :-) Perhaps a bit to straigt but really ok in all ways. It was hard to imagine this tune was done by a rookie. Listen to it and judge yourself!!! ;-)

Judge: Hansen, Torben

A very funky and groovy tune. It has a nice structure and the melody is actually also quite nice. The atmosphere is very relaxed and laid-back. Such a tune usually tends to get boring, as few people are able to withhold a relaxed atmosphere and still keep the listener awake with noticeable variations. Good thing with the break where the drums are excluded. Another very nice thing about this tune is the ending - which for myself usually is the toughest thing to do in a tune. All in all this piece definately deserves being in the round 2! Can't wait to hear what this guy could do, when he enters the veteran-division :)

Judge: Grandpre, Dan

Nice bass idea in the intro, which is unfortunately destroyed by a bad chord sound which is not only played too low but about two times too loud in the mix.. nice rise up of the percussion underneath that though. Once it gets going, the melodies aren't particular interesting but they're not bad either.. the bass part continues to be nice.. way above rookie quality, and the drums are really appropriate as well. The only continually appearing problem is that the chord pads are mixed way too loud... once they cut out the composer's ability really shines (by rookie standards, especially)- the second lead section is not much better but it still fits. The samples other than the chord sounds are actually pretty good, especially the drums. Form-wise it's a little iffy-- it doesn't flow well as a whole piece. Obviously done by a person with promise.