MC6 Round 2 Results - Sonic Emergence

"Sonic Emergence"


Mark Parity Error
(Parity Error)

This song competed in the veteran division of Music Contest 6,
where it ranked #17.

Judge: Rodriguez, Daniel

I feel depressed when I hear this song. The reason is simple: this could have been a great song, mainly because of the original "set of styles" used. But it fails: it's just boring. The beginning is too long. You used good piano samples, but your technique with the piano is not the best. Then your started the techno samples; good idea but not well implemented. The best was that electric guitar lead. Buit that is not enough to save the song.

Judge: Herranen, Vesa

I didn't like this song so much, that it would've been on the round 2. (NO, that does NOT mean that it wouldn't been good enough for round 2 !) It just is too weird for me. At some parts piano and other peaceful instruments, and at some parts piano + that horrible dance beat. They really don't match together. Overally an ok song with ok samples and good technique, but just way too weird, empty and boring song for me. (Sorry about soooo short comments, but I really have to hurry to make to the deadline.)

Judge: Hesse, Liam

You could have done with a better piano. When you hit the high notes with that piano set, it sounds awful. The patch sucks, and it's a fairly prevalent piano set among trackers, which doesn't help. Damnit, we need more piano sets around here! The rest seems decent. Good percussion. Sample 29 sounds off-key, like it's tuned a bit too high.

Judge: Rice, Jeremy

"Look at me! I know how to break every rule of musical progression and still sound cool!" :) You make excellent use of the piano sample, too. And the song has an interesting flow to it. These are all very important features of this song, and they are all admirable veteran-quality traits. But there's something missing in this song... It's just a bit "empty", you know? There are all these nice little subtleties that make for a decent mood piece, but there's very little 'strength' behind it. And it's not like it's an ambient piece, either--and I listen to a lot of ambient--since there's too much variation in everything... Another feature worth pointing out: you don't over-use copy-paste like the rest of us. So I give you very high scores in originality, form, technique (highest technique score I gave out all contest), and samples... But the "overall" score is a little lower, for those things that I can't put my finger on. Still, this is an awesome bit of tracking.

Judge: Voss, Andrew

This is definitely a "technique" song - shows the strong tracking skills of the artist, but lacks in overall form and style. I mean, what is with that piano-techno in the middle? Full set of piano samples makes the beginning sound good. Good panning.

Judge: Youkhana, Kevin

The song was great I liked the way the song flowed the samples were done well also.

Judge: Norilo, Vesa

Some weak samples in your set, and the piano tracking is totally iandequate. Musically interesting and fresh, but sound lacks the something. The intro at least sounded very trackerish. I have mixed feelings about this one. More original than most, it still lacks some form and feeling. I am not sure the tempo is right either, sometimes it has a dragging feel and some parts are almost too fast. Despite the many criticisms, I think this one is a worthy effort. Originality is always a bonus.

Judge: Grandpre, Dan

As far as tracking goes, original use of keyboard parts in the first bunch of keyboard patterns. And actually a fairly decent piano sound (though not accurate) for once! The intro's almost a bit new agey for my tastes-- the strings that come in are right out of hundreds of other tracked songs and really wreck the feel of the pianos rather than add to them. Fortunately, they're cut out early and a nice tine-piano paying counter-lines is brought in along with a high-hat accentuating good spots in the more stripped down groove. Where it speeds up the drums are ill-fitted for the part and at first the synth line seems to be pretty silly but it works when you notice how nice it sounds repeated.. after the strings come in again here they make more sense, when there's less piano-- really nice form here, letting the tune breathe- bringing in some alternate progressions. Harmonically and form-wise, *very* original for tracked music- an extermely high originality score is due here. What's amazing is that instrumentation-wise, it's frighteningly typical but that doesn't stop the composer from shining through-- a true reminder that talent can outweigh anything. Top tune, never falters in terms of quality.

Judge: Brown, Yannis

This is a quite unique piece of music. Nice to see a piano based tune now and again. The piano part was written quite well, and worked with the rest of the tune. The tune sounded broken into sections too much and they didn't move between them as smoothly as they could have. The piano was a little over the top after a while. You needed to give the pianist a break I think. :) Some useage of panning envelopes (especially on the strings in large chords) were my main complaint. I still get annoyed by large wads of channels ping ponging from left to right while the rest of the tune is well panned. It just sticks out like a sore thumb. Some parts got a little muddy with too much sustain on the individual parts. Some samples also sounded a little familiar.. Some drum samples sounded a little noisy (ie #34). Hats and cymbals should always be sampled in 16 bit, 8 bit just ruins the hi frequencies used by these types of samples. Anyway, a good and refreshing new tune.