Search for "--": 7 matches

C-- by Peter Cellik
10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
309,669 bytes
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C-- compiler,It's either a stripped down version of C or ASM on steriods. It was good and cool some time ago, but there are surely better development platforms available.

C-- examples by Peter Cellik
10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
213,584 bytes
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C-- example sources - A must get for

16 Fix by Zest
14 Mar 1997 (catalog date)
4,878 bytes
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Fixes the problem with loading *.RAW 16-bit mono sound files into fasttrackerii -- having to press "16-bit" and "no" every time you load a sound, can get boring. this program replaces all your *.RAW files with *.IFF sounds, that load into fasttracker without any fuss. The search for *.RAW files is recursive, i.e. all sub-directories beneath the one you are fix'ing, will be fix'ed too .. careful!! the original .RAW files are ERASED. also, if you have other than 16-bit sound files in your collection, you should sort them first, placing your 16-bit files in a seperate directory, before using FIX. This program is freeware. Enjoy :)

Demolition -- on'n'on by Deetsay of Orange, DCS
30 Dec 1998 (catalog date)
563,882 bytes
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Released at event DML97 in the mmul division and ranked 16

Summber Break by Beek of Grey
16 Jun 1997 (catalog date)
314,413 bytes
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(IT)A happy tune with guitar line backups -- Won 1st at SB97 "fast compo"

Behind the sun by xlr8r of --
13 Dec 1998 (catalog date)
390,067 bytes
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Released at event ASM98 in the mmul division and ranked XX

Unfocused Gaze by Mild
21 Sep 1996 (catalog date)
95,677 bytes
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