F. mod docs by Firelight /code/audio/docs/fmoddoc.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
83,795 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:    
| Firelight's mod format description - The perfect text file for someone who is writing a mod player especially first timers. Assumes knowledge of programming and doesn't cover details of sound card specific issues, like setting up a DMA transfer or initializing the sound card.
Pentium Stuff /code/hardware/cpu/pentium.zip
| 01 Jul 1997 (catalog date)
164,896 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:   
| A collection of files on Pentium optimization. Some of these files look very useful, especially for optimizing information and truly esoteric stuff for the terminally curious.
Bin 2 DB by Escape /code/utils/compiler/bin2db24.zip
| 12 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
12,087 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating: 
| A bin 2 db util. See my comments to incpro3.zip. Also, take out the "coded in 100% Assembler" line. It's dorky, especially for something whose main function (input/output) is easiest handled by a high level language and whose speed of execution is on the magnitude of 2 seconds.
Netwide Assembler by Simon Tatham, Julian Hall /code/utils/compiler/nasm094.zip
| 02 Jul 1997 (catalog date)
320,576 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:     
| A freeware assembler with good support. People have been switching from TASM to this assembler, especially linux and 68K coders. It is still being supported by the makers so it understands newer op codes, like mmx instructions, so you don't need to get intel's 'macros' for new opcodes.
Xm2wav 1.06 by Digisnap /music/programs/convert/xm2wav06.zip
| 13 Sep 1997 (catalog date)
43,308 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | xm-2-wav 1.06 by Digisnap. Supports four point (spline) sample interpolation, anti click algorithm and (NEW) envelope interpolation. Especially made for those who want to burn their XM's on CD-ROM.
Judas Sound System V2.06y by Yehar, Cadaver /music/programs/players/jdas206y.zip
| 07 Jun 1998 (catalog date)
438,873 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | Judas v2.06y Apocalyptic Softwaremixing Soundsystem for Watcom 32bit flat mode. Supports: SB/SBPRO/SB16/GUS/WAV-writer. Modules: XM/MOD/S3M. Samples: WAV/raw. Quality mixer gives you the best sound quality you can get today, clicker free (without touching sharp percussions), mixed with 32bit precision. Cubic interpolation reproduces samples with good treble response and very low distortion. Fast mixer is the ultra-fast alternative, suitable for games and demos. A player, examples, documents and full sources are included. Judas is free to be used for any purpose. New in this version: fixes, enhanced quality mixer, distortion indicator, true volume meters, song looping settings, rewinding and forwarding, Watcom 11.0 support.