Chaotic Fractal Screensaver by Magister of Phazix /code/effects/fractal/mfract.zip
| 24 Apr 1998 (catalog date)
16,607 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | A screensaver of sorts (plain DOS only, no Windows 95) that zooms into the Mandelbrot set and animates the Julia set. Source code included. Also includes a text file that explains fractals and how to generate them. Text, assembler, protected-mode.
AWE Module Player v2.4 by Grinus /music/programs/players/amp24.zip
| 15 Jun 1998 (catalog date)
75,419 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | Module player for SB AWE32/64 cards. IT/XM/S3M/MOD/MTM/PTM modules supported. The ultimate sound quality. Many other unique features. Freeware. NEWS: compressed IT samples + another changes. Requirements: 386+, DOS+, EGA+, SB AWE32+.
Denzogtr.zip by Alessandro De Sanctis /music/programs/players/denzogtr.zip
| 11 Dec 1997 (catalog date)
93,829 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | This is the ultimate chords/scales finder: all you're looking for DenzoGtr can find. This is not a scales or chords dB, but a powerful engine that you cam program for finding all positions for both scales and chords. There is no a fix number of choice: you can find 10, 100, 1000, 10000 position for each chord depending from tunig, finger positions, inversions and other parameters. In the same way you can search for 3 notes for string scales or pentatonic pattern etc. Also arpeggios are simple to find. Remenber that DenzoGtr is designed to be expanded with your own tuning, scales and chords. So have fun, Alex.
The Pulse 0.90 by Ladislav Lostak of Unreal /music/programs/players/pulse090.zip
| 20 Sep 1998 (catalog date)
1,009,064 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | New Czech player of all types of mods, mp3 and wav for Win95/98/NT. The newest beta version brings completely rebuilt system based on "components" (allows to add new features, e.g. new format loader, just by adding the dll library to the directory), new design structure (non-rectangle windows, animated buttons, ...} that allows to change design on-fly while playing, and WinAMP skins support with non-observed differences, 12-parameter Reverb editor with presets saving, simple playlist editor, pop-up menu on right-click, external tools for associating extensions and Systray, several new (and splendid) designs, nice splash-screen on start, sid format support (Commodore 64), full-customizable taskbar using "Captions", and lots of more features which are to be improved in upcoming versions. Supports 669, far, fnk, it, m15, mdl, med, mod, mtm, mp1/2/3, nst, raw, s3m, sid/dat, stm, ult, wav, wow and xm.