Search for "polygon": 8 matches

Zed 3D by Zed
19 Jan 1998 (catalog date)
697,450 bytes
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Zed 3d - a document explaining the maths you'll need for 3d. Word and postscript formats of the same file. Zed has an attention to detail and a great way to explain all the math. I highly recommend this to anyone starting to make a 3d engine who doesn't know where to start (start with the math, not the polygon fillers, believe me! the fillers are trivial in comparison). See the bibliography for where to go next.

4 Sided Polygon Texture Mapper by Alan Parker
08 Jun 1997 (catalog date)
8,601 bytes
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Although this texture mapper is coded in GFA Basic for the Atari ST the code is comprehensible enough to be useful for PC owners.

Fast Affine Texture Mapping II by MRI of Doomsday
30 Jun 1998 (catalog date)
55,809 bytes
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A good tutorial about accurate texture mapping. This version uses convex polygons instead of triangles to make clipping easier. Text, C

Tutorial 9 in C by Snowman of Hornet
11 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
43,863 bytes
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Asphyxia VGA demo trainer:Tut 9 in C:polygons - Includes Denthor's original tutorial release within and has the compiled exe.

Tutorial #14 by Denthor of Asphyxia
11 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
11,496 bytes
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Asphyxia VGA demo trainer:Glenz - More complex polygon fillers.

Peroxide Trainer Part 4 by Telemachos of Peroxide
17 Jan 1999 (catalog date)
27,821 bytes
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This tutorial explains how to code different kind of polyfillers including gouraudshaded, texturemapped and environmapped polygons.

Serie De Tutoriales Fac 9 by FAC of Delabu Alama
25 Apr 1998 (catalog date)
30,791 bytes
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Basic demo coding tutorials in Spanish. In Turbo Pascal + inline asm. Ninth tutorial: Backface removal and solid polygons.

3D Polygon Editor
22 Sep 1996 (catalog date)
132,500 bytes
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