Crappy Texture Map by Mandrill /code/3d/trifill/texmap/ctm.zip
| 19 Jan 1998 (catalog date)
6,214 bytes
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| Rating:  
| Crappy Texture Map. At least you know what code should be doing what. The filler looks familiar (the register lay out). The texture 'swims' so I'm not sure this is a routine to emulate.
Tnt's Mod Player by ByteRaver of TNT, NO-ID /code/audio/players/tnt-mp11.zip
| 10 Jun 1998 (catalog date)
306,622 bytes
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| | This is a .MOD, .WOW player for DOS or a W95 DOS BOX. It supports the GUS and SoundBlaster. Features are interpolative mixing routines (stereo with panning effects), 5 octaves, 1 to 32 channels, _ALL_ MOD types supported, very powerful .MOD loader, MIDAS-alike setup. full pascal and asm source is included. Info about programming mixing routines is included, too.
ACiDween loader by Wonder Monkey of Acid /code/demosrc/bbsintro/wm-h_src.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
76,513 bytes
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| Rating:  
| Source for a halloween BBS loader - So-So source. Scarey warnings about ripping. But I'm sure I'll want this guy's routine for masking off bits. I suppose he thinks SHR AL, 3: SHL AL, 3 is faster than AND AL, 11111000b.
bits'93 source by David Hedley /code/demosrc/intros/bits93.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
34,416 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:   
| Sources for an intro with a bouncing lens and a sinus scroller - Few comments. Shows influences from Mental Surgery, mainly in the interrupt routines. Old sources (1993), good timing of effects.
Fire by JARE of Iguana /code/effects/fire/fire_win.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
10,716 bytes
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| Rating:   
| A fire routine under windows - Crawls on my p133. :( Don't bother looking at this unless you've programmed for windows before. You're likely to have a heart attack. :) Requires WinG to run.
small flame by Gaffer of PRoMETHEUS /code/effects/fire/flame160.zip
| 18 Mar 1997 (catalog date)
2,964 bytes
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| Rating:  
| Source for a small fire routine. Doesn't actually work on my computer. To answer a question proposed by the author about size optimization, inc al is bigger than inc ax because intel doesn't have an inc /r8 instruction. inc ax is of the form inc /r16 which compiles to db 40+rw, where rw = 0 for ax, 1 for cx, 2 for dx, 3 for bx, ... inc al is of the form inc r/m8 and compiles to db FE /1 where /1 = c0 for al, c4 for ah, c1 for bl..., 05 for a memory reference.... See an intel document for more details.
Linefire by Kable /code/effects/fire/linefire.zip
| 26 Jun 1997 (catalog date)
26,759 bytes
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| Rating:   
| Mystify your fire. I half expected to hear the FM sounds from Amnesia to kick in. It's only one line with a *much* longer (and blured) tail, but still. Uses a Bresenham's line routine.
rotating landscape by TTT /code/effects/land/rotscape.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
129,844 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:   
| A landscape routine similar to that at the end of unreal - Comments only on function names and has a larger executable than need be for this effect. (Lots of tables, i.e. the landscape itself)
bglass by Konrad Olejnik of K!O /code/effects/lens/bglass.zip
| 19 Jan 1998 (catalog date)
50,803 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:   
| Bumped glass routine. For TMT pascal. You might call this a bump map type effect. The difference I'm going to call is that bump map routines alter light intensity while lens routines change your position in a texture map. Interesting way to get the timer! :) For C users, that would be int *time = 0x046C. See a BIOS data reference for further details.
Heart Quake's water source by ARM of Iguana /code/effects/water/hq_water.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
370,188 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:    
| The authoratative source on the water effect - Includes a description of the physics behind the effect and the simplifications done to make the routine run quickly.
LZO Data Compression Library v0.20 by Markus Oberhumer /code/fileutil/lzo020.zip
| 06 Oct 1996 (catalog date)
184,964 bytes
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| Rating:   
| over conscious about compression ratios and statistics and has many long files about its stats in the /doc directory, but no description about the API. You have to figure out how to use it yourself from the two short examples that come with it. Otherwise, it's fairly complete and you can decide which compression routines you'd like to link yourself (assuming you can figure out that much).
Collection of ASM sources by ? of Blue Nose Productions /code/hardware/general/asm_good.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
118,612 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:   
| Lots of ASM sources, mostly for hardware and BIOS routines - It's somewhat difficult to find what you want, but the comments tell you what you need to know (but not what you have to do) to get everything compiled. Looks like a great source for the cut & paste coder. Given the nature of the routines, I'd say that was the intended purpose of this release.
386 power by Lorenzo Micheletto /code/hardware/pmode/386p_101.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
117,845 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:   
| A DOS extender for pmode asm programming - Has docs for useage and some extra miscellaneous routines that could be used for game or graphics programming in pmode. Honestly, if you want to do 100% asm development for pmode I'd suggest DOS32 or Tran's pmode. The author here credits Tran for some backbones to his system.
Bezier and Spline by plash of Azure /code/tutors/math/azr_bcrv.zip
| 19 Jan 1998 (catalog date)
96,843 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:   
| Examples of Bezier patches and B-spline curves. Read a reference on bezier or spline modelling first. The math is not easy nor is it explained by the author. Good reference if you are having troubles getting your own routines to work.
42 by Halcyon /demos/1994/0-9/42.zip
| 29 Jun 1996 (catalog date)
67,994 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:   
| Released at event ASM94 in the in64 division and ranked XX
Good beginning on this demo. Blue fire effect, going into zooming routines to delay dots, to 3-d fire. There are other interesting effects. To get past some parts of the demo the user must press Escape. The music is also a little repetitve at times... Without a GUS I couldn't get the entire demo.
4 Kings by Orange /demos/1994/0-9/4kings.zip
| 29 Jun 1996 (catalog date)
57,584 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:   
| Released at event ASM94 in the in64 division and ranked 10
A nice, unique look to this demo sets it apart from others. Lots of mathematical based code. Opens up with four grahpics in the corners and a bouncing pixel that opens up to the title. Good design doesn't stay with any one routine for too long.
Play It V0.02a For Win95 And Winnt by Olivier Aumage /music/programs/players/pliw002b.zip
| 14 Jun 1997 (catalog date)
186,158 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | Impulse Tracker modules player. Runs under Win95 and WinNT. Features are FLOATING POINT mixing routine, Surround, Digital Filter, Volume Ramps. Full source code for BC++ 5.0 included, under GPL license. Pentium or needed.
Tnt's Mod Player by ByteRaver of TNT, NO-ID /music/programs/players/tnt-mp10.zip
| 21 Apr 1998 (catalog date)
207,724 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | This is a .MOD, .WOW player for DOS or a W95 DOS BOX. It supports the GUS and SoundBlaster. Features are interpolative mixing routines, 5 octaves, 1 to 32 channels, _ALL_ MOD types supported, very powerful .MOD loader, MIDAS-alike setup. full pascal and asm source is included. Info about programming mixing routines is included, too.