256 Byte Water by Cagdas Calik /code/effects/water/w256.zip
| 24 May 1998 (catalog date)
786 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | A 256 byte water effect coded in pure assembly by Cagdas Calik, moreover with 286 instructions. It's recommended that you're mouse driver is load before you run the program, otherwise it will crash. Click left mouse button to go back to dos. Have fun...
Blah by Axl, Vibrance, Stinger, Necros, Human, Kamophlage, Jtown, Monaco's, Darkwolf, Nf, Porus, Sledge, Luvk, Bluenote, Cubik, Paso, Pothead, QPorcupine, Lepra, Sunday, Perisoft /music/disks/1996/blah.zip
| 14 Jul 1997 (catalog date)
1,679,008 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:  
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Opencp 2.5 by KB /music/programs/players/opencp25.zip
| 24 Jul 1998 (catalog date)
976,379 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | opencp 2.5.0 - cubic player - the next generation, formats: mod, s3m, xm, it, mtm, 669, wow, ult, dmf, ams, mxm, ptm, mdl, okt, wav, mp1, mp2, mp3, sid - playlists: pls, m3u, plt (mikit) - cards: gus, iw, sb, awe, ews, ess, wss, pas, wav-writer, mpx-writer - html docs included, source code available