3d basics by Synergist /code/3d/docs/3dbasics.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
2,745 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Some basic 3d documentation - I'd never want to tell someone that this doc is a good place to start. The person writing this has no concept of structures, which severely ease the programming of complex things such as 3d systems.
F. mod docs by Firelight /code/audio/docs/fmoddoc.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
83,795 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Firelight's mod format description - The perfect text file for someone who is writing a mod player especially first timers. Assumes knowledge of programming and doesn't cover details of sound card specific issues, like setting up a DMA transfer or initializing the sound card.
Boot by ? of Ooze /code/utils/boot/0l_boot.zip
| 25 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
81,135 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Reboots & boot sector util. A utility that'll reboot your computer (which isn't terribly useful) and to read/write boot sectors. It's a good, hard to find utility for someone just poking into that sort of stuff.