3D Coding tutorial by Ica of Hubris /code/3d/docs/3dica221.zip
| 30 Jun 1998 (catalog date)
422,704 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:     
| This tutorial is very easy to understand and describes everything you need to know like the mathematical basics, the different kind of polyfillers, shading methods, camera movement, sorting and backface culling and much much more. A must-have for every 3d coder! Text
DemoVT by JCAB of Iguana /code/audio/players/demovt15.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
228,287 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:   
| A music player - Has no source for the player and a few bugs. But it's easy to interface from *any* language with support for SB and GUS. Rename file heartq.002 from Iguana's demo HeartQuake to demovt.exe and use that instead. It's version "1.6"
24 Hour Break by Digitize Design Group /demos/1993/0-9/24h_brk.zip
| 29 Jun 1996 (catalog date)
90,627 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:    
| Fast circle-effect, sine scroller (coded in interesting way) - not a great job for asm-intro-compo (of course some music) btw: at the end they are talking about many bugs: here is one: press (& hold) left shift during sine-scroller. Letters D and G will be moved 'a little' :-)
Unreleased - The Lost Collection by DNA /music/disks/1996/dna-unre.zip
| 29 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
1,310,262 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:    
| The file DNA-UNRE.EXE inside this .zip contained the Alfons.1344 virus. The executable was removed on 29 Jan 1997 and repacked.
Xmo, Extended Module Optimizer by trench /music/programs/compress/xmo.zip
| 21 Sep 1998 (catalog date)
10,478 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | The eXtended Module Optimizer will remove unused samples & instruments from your .XM (FastTracker 2) -modules. More optimizations will come in feature versions.
Wav To Xi Converter 1.2 by MAZ /music/programs/convert/wav2xi12.zip
| 28 Apr 1997 (catalog date)
15,628 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | 8/16 bit WAV to XI converter, incl. crossfade loop "detection", frequency to FT2 RelNote/FineTune conversion, amplification trigger and zero cross handling. NEW: removed readonly-WAV bug, now accepts paths in source filename to better integrate it with AKA's SMoRPhi
Master Mixer v5.1 /music/programs/mixers/mm5_1.zip
| 21 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
90,960 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | Full range SB mixer (All functions) Undocumented controls enabled! Automatic "clicks" removal. Can save 6 different mixing configs. Can replace ALL SB drivers at BOOT. Boots your PC (DOS) in a second. Unlimited number of Special Effects. User definable Chorus/Reverb+editor. [v5.1:Fix OPL3, AWE32, PC Spk level.] Does DSP Reset, EMU Reset. Win95 Ok! Can enable/disable any function. Command-line "QuickLoading" (tm) Sets your mixer in 1/4th a second!
Top 10 Player 32 by Peter Chana /music/programs/players/top_13.zip
| 31 Aug 1998 (catalog date)
1,349,408 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | An easy to use multimedia program with databank function. The readme file describes how to use Top 10 Player. It supports the following formats: Wav, Mid, Avi, Mov, Mpg, Mp3, Animation files, Mod, Xm, It, S3m, CD Audio.
Samples from TB Proteus 1/XR by Sam Eassa /music/samples/proteus1.zip
| 10 Sep 1996 (catalog date)
2,081,430 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | This is the first (I hope) of a series of samples extracted from the Turtle Beach Multisound Proteus 1/XR synthesizer. All samples are 22kHz, 16 bit most were created by playing a C3 note on one PC and capturing it live on another. Post editing was done to equalize gain and remove the dead space. They are saved as .wav but can be changed using any one of many programs out there.
Samples from TB Proteus 1/XR by Sam Eassa /music/samples/proteus2.zip
| 10 Sep 1996 (catalog date)
1,868,625 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | This is the second of a series of samples extracted from the Turtle Beach Multisound Proteus 1/XR synthesizer. The emphasis in this collection is on FX although some conventional samples are included. All samples are 22kHz, 16 bit most were created by playing a C3 note on one PC and capturing it live on another. Post editing was done to equalize gain and remove the dead space. They are saved as .wav but can be changed using any one of many programs out there.
Samples from TB Proteus 1/XR by Sam Eassa /music/samples/proteus3.zip
| 10 Sep 1996 (catalog date)
746,435 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | This is the third of a series of samples extracted from the Turtle Beach Multisound Proteus 1/XR synthesizer. Whereas the first and second collections (proteus1.zip and proteus2.zip) were a collection of melodic as well as percussion samples at 22kHz/16 bits, this one is percussion only at 44.1kHz/16 bits. Based on some good feedback (thanks Jester :-) I kept all samples very basic (no combos or riffs) for maximum usefulness. The quality is also better due to the fact that the sampling was done locally on the multisound as opposed to using a seperate PC. This has yielded some very quiet and crisp samples compared to the first sets of samples. Although the samples are in .wav format, they can be ported to .smp or almost any other using a program such as Goldwave. All samples are 44.1kHz, 16 bit and were created by playing different percussion notes on the multisound, and capturing them live to RAM and then to disk. Post editing was done to optimize gain and remove the dead space.
Samples from TB Proteus 1/XR by Sam Eassa /music/samples/proteus4.zip
| 11 Sep 1996 (catalog date)
1,495,900 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | This is the fourth and probably last in a series of samples extracted from the Turtle Beach Multisound Proteus 1/XR synthesizer. In this collection, I've tried to sample unique sounds native only to the proteus synthesizer and that cannot be found in the General MIDI set. I'm hoping to provide the means for the many composers out there to make some truly unique sounding mods. I kept all samples very basic (no combos or riffs) for maximum usefulness. The quality is also better due to the fact that the sampling was done locally on the multisound as opposed to using a seperate PC as was done on the first two Proteus packs. This has yielded some very quiet and crisp samples. Although the samples are in .wav format, they can be ported to .smp or almost any other using a program such as Goldwave. All samples are 44.1kHz, 16 bit mono and were created by playing different notes on the multisound, and capturing them live to disk using the Multisound's own digital audio sampler. Post editing was done to optimize gain and remove the dead space as well as to keep the samples reasonable small.