Raw GFX Lib by Ghyll of TGA /code/3d/systems/tgarx2b1.zip
| 02 Jul 1997 (catalog date)
34,488 bytes
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| Rating:
| An elementary graphics system. The functions are very base and it's a good idea for anyone coding graphics engines either to understand how those functions work or to be given higher level functions to work with.
DemoVT by JCAB of Iguana /code/audio/players/demovt15.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
228,287 bytes
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| Rating:
| A music player - Has no source for the player and a few bugs. But it's easy to interface from *any* language with support for SB and GUS. Rename file heartq.002 from Iguana's demo HeartQuake to demovt.exe and use that instead. It's version "1.6"
StarPlayer by Jedi of Oxygen /code/audio/players/sp-code.zip
| 25 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
125,394 bytes
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| Rating:
| A mod/s3m player with source. THIS is the player you want to pick up if you're doing a 100% asm intro with Tran's pmode v2.xx and need SB support. It's easily tweakable to play your tune from memory, though the code given loads from disk. If you don't need SB support, also check out Robban's GUSPlay.
1k source by Frenzy of SparC /code/demosrc/intros/1k_sourc.zip
| 18 Mar 1997 (catalog date)
11,052 bytes
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| Rating:
| source to a 1k intro (911 bytes). Easy to follow code, but it's ideal you understand it all in the first place. Odd use of fpu (uses lots of fi[blah] instructions... why not take advantage of extra precision?)
2d bump mapping by HELiX /code/effects/bump/bumpsrc.zip
| 18 Mar 1997 (catalog date)
63,540 bytes
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| Rating:
| Simple example and explanation of how to do 2d bump mapping. Looks like it was written by a beginner (because of the code optimization, or lack there of), but is fairly nicely commented, which is a big plus!
small flame by Gaffer of PRoMETHEUS /code/effects/fire/flame160.zip
| 18 Mar 1997 (catalog date)
2,964 bytes
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| Rating:
| Source for a small fire routine. Doesn't actually work on my computer. To answer a question proposed by the author about size optimization, inc al is bigger than inc ax because intel doesn't have an inc /r8 instruction. inc ax is of the form inc /r16 which compiles to db 40+rw, where rw = 0 for ax, 1 for cx, 2 for dx, 3 for bx, ... inc al is of the form inc r/m8 and compiles to db FE /1 where /1 = c0 for al, c4 for ah, c1 for bl..., 05 for a memory reference.... See an intel document for more details.
Alias by Minimalist /code/effects/rotozoom/alias.zip
| 25 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
164,287 bytes
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| Rating:
| Scaling, rotating, anti-aliasing. There's a turboC, WatcomC, and Pascal version of this program all included. Admittedly, he cheats the palette on anti-aliasing (as shown by using most any non-grayscale image), the programming is good nonetheless.
Water by Yamaha of XYZZ /code/effects/water/watrxyzz.zip
| 25 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
128,613 bytes
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| Rating:
| A water effect sample. Won't compile as is since it's missing quite a number of library files. Get hq_water if you want to understand this effect. Get this afterwards only if you can't understand asm.
Animation Construction Kit 3D (source) by Lary Myers /code/effects/worlds/acksrc.zip
| 25 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
146,731 bytes
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| Rating:
| A Wolfenstein-like 3d world engine by Lary Myers, including all sources and a good explanation of how it works. To make it run you also have to download ackkit.zip which contains all the data.
2asm Anything 2 Asm,c,pas Converter by sneaqo of aardbei /code/fileutil/2asm.zip
| 21 Aug 1998 (catalog date)
97,877 bytes
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| | converts a binary file into a db list, or a C or Pascal array. has a lot of options, and examples for all 3 languages included. Assembler, C, Pascal
Virtual File System by Dark Fiber /code/fileutil/ilfs202b.zip
| 17 Jan 1999 (catalog date)
110,874 bytes
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| Rating:
| For Watcom C and DOS32 Assembler. Puts all your datafiles in one big file. Does not compress the data, and you have to do too many things by yourself that could have been done by the library.
AWE-DIP-01-ENG by Creative Labs engineers /code/hardware/audio/adip.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
708,753 bytes
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| Rating:
| Examples and API for using the AWE32 - And people wonder why there's not much SB support. The information in the packet is contorted. I could go on this for days. Comments like /* main - here's where the fun begins */ are misleading. The fun actually began several hundred lines ago (starting at line 134). It's late. I'm not exactly bored, but this bit of code is frustrating. I wonder why CL even bothered. There are no technical docs of any sort and the code that is here *REEKS* of bad style. For extra frustration, I unzipped the file which had a self extracting .exe in it, which gave me 4 zips which when each extracted with the -d option finally gives me the SDK. Kneebiter - at 1:30 in the morning. Need more tea...
FreePack DOS extender by Narech Koumar of Supernar Systems Intl. /code/hardware/pmode/dos32a.zip
| 25 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
520,938 bytes
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| Rating:
| Another DOS extender option. I didn't test this for usefulness. I doesn't look any more difficult to learn to use than Adam Seychell's (sp?) Dos32 or Thomas Pytel/Charles Scheffold's Pmode/w. How well it functions is another story. Full documentation available. Comes with a tetris clone presumeably made using the extender. No source.
Bytes Of Wisdom Diskmag Engine Sources by MinMax of Septic Productions /code/mags/bow5src.zip
| 21 Aug 1998 (catalog date)
109,870 bytes
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| | Sources to diskmag engine written in Watcom C. Can use VBE 1.2/2.0 & textmode. Very flexible. Also it is recomended that you download the diskmag itself (to get the example files) (bow5.zip)
3DS converter by MRI of Doomsday /code/utils/3d/3dsco20.zip
| 25 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
14,233 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Reads a 3ds file and outputs an easier to read format. Good utility with full source for reading .3DS files. It's easily tweakable (with a #define) to read from a file or memory and not that difficult to tweak for your own 3d structures. It's also done well enough that adding support for more features of the .3ds format should not be that difficult from a coding standpoint. Specs are admittedly hard to find.
3DS converter by MRI of Doomsday /code/utils/3d/3dsrdr13.zip
| 25 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
6,754 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Reads a 3ds file and outputs an easier to read format. An update of Jare's 3dsrdr12. Get the above for usefulness, get Jare's original version for posterity or more complete informations.
Boot by ? of Ooze /code/utils/boot/0l_boot.zip
| 25 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
81,135 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Reboots & boot sector util. A utility that'll reboot your computer (which isn't terribly useful) and to read/write boot sectors. It's a good, hard to find utility for someone just poking into that sort of stuff.
Bin 2 DB by Escape /code/utils/compiler/bin2db24.zip
| 12 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
12,087 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| A bin 2 db util. See my comments to incpro3.zip. Also, take out the "coded in 100% Assembler" line. It's dorky, especially for something whose main function (input/output) is easiest handled by a high level language and whose speed of execution is on the magnitude of 2 seconds.
Bin to H by Lev Iserovich /code/utils/compiler/bin2h.zip
| 12 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
11,097 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| A bin 2 h/obj. Actually produces obj files, but only works with Turbo C with a little tweaking for Borland C. (same company yes, slightly different compilers.) (By extension, you should be able to get it to work with TASM.)
Inc Pro by KeLewAN /code/utils/compiler/incpro3.zip
| 12 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
6,818 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| A bin 2 include util. A word to the coder, learn to read/write double values, it'll help speed up the assembler. If you were really cool, you'd write a binary to .OBJ converter.
Netwide Assembler by Simon Tatham, Julian Hall /code/utils/compiler/nasm094.zip
| 02 Jul 1997 (catalog date)
320,576 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| A freeware assembler with good support. People have been switching from TASM to this assembler, especially linux and 68K coders. It is still being supported by the makers so it understands newer op codes, like mmx instructions, so you don't need to get intel's 'macros' for new opcodes.
Text Mode FLI/FLC Player /code/video/txtfli.zip
| 06 Oct 1996 (catalog date)
99,695 bytes
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| Rating:
| Buggy mode set, only worked in a dos box from win '95. Had information about the text mode demo compo and was rather impressive for what it did. Otherwise, tight code for what it does, sparce, useless comments.
1st Infection by N-Factor /demos/1994/0-9/1infect.zip
| 29 Jun 1996 (catalog date)
788,796 bytes
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| Rating:
| Released at event WIR94 in the demo division and ranked ??
N-Factor's first production, released at Wired'94 - a good "first-time" production for a new group. Lots of vector objects, some unlimited bobs, and textured planes - a top and bottom of the screen - but they are doing many things with this simple transform table: like really interesting flight of space ship over you (like in 2nd Reality), but textured (looks much-much better).
42 by Halcyon /demos/1994/0-9/42.zip
| 29 Jun 1996 (catalog date)
67,994 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Released at event ASM94 in the in64 division and ranked XX
Good beginning on this demo. Blue fire effect, going into zooming routines to delay dots, to 3-d fire. There are other interesting effects. To get past some parts of the demo the user must press Escape. The music is also a little repetitve at times... Without a GUS I couldn't get the entire demo.
4k or Less by Paranoids /demos/1994/0-9/4k_less.zip
| 29 Jun 1996 (catalog date)
4,340 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Released at event ASM94 in the in4k division and ranked XX
4kB intro presented at Asm'94: morphing letters '4k' to 'or' and then 'less': and the main part (and the only) is a waving vector plane in several ways.
4 Kings by Orange /demos/1994/0-9/4kings.zip
| 29 Jun 1996 (catalog date)
57,584 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Released at event ASM94 in the in64 division and ranked 10
A nice, unique look to this demo sets it apart from others. Lots of mathematical based code. Opens up with four grahpics in the corners and a bouncing pixel that opens up to the title. Good design doesn't stay with any one routine for too long.