Tiny Play by pascal of Cubic Team /code/audio/players/mxmp12.zip
| 11 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
92,697 bytes
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| Rating:
| Tiny Gus Play - Has source for the player, but can interface with asm and watcom. GUS only. requires that music be run through a converter and the playback is similar to FT2 when it comes to s3ms (but it will play xm's!)
StarPlayer by Jedi of Oxygen /code/audio/players/sp-code.zip
| 25 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
125,394 bytes
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| Rating:
| A mod/s3m player with source. THIS is the player you want to pick up if you're doing a 100% asm intro with Tran's pmode v2.xx and need SB support. It's easily tweakable to play your tune from memory, though the code given loads from disk. If you don't need SB support, also check out Robban's GUSPlay.
Tnt's Mod Player by ByteRaver of TNT, NO-ID /code/audio/players/tnt-mp11.zip
| 10 Jun 1998 (catalog date)
306,622 bytes
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| | This is a .MOD, .WOW player for DOS or a W95 DOS BOX. It supports the GUS and SoundBlaster. Features are interpolative mixing routines (stereo with panning effects), 5 octaves, 1 to 32 channels, _ALL_ MOD types supported, very powerful .MOD loader, MIDAS-alike setup. full pascal and asm source is included. Info about programming mixing routines is included, too.
42 Source by Maniac of LBA /code/demosrc/bbsintro/lba42src.zip
| 26 Jun 1997 (catalog date)
10,213 bytes
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| Rating:
| BBS ad with a scroller and a lighting-esque effect. Both an asm and Pascal version compile, though the pascal version looks like nothing more than a rewrite of the asm code in Pascal's inline syntax. Few comments.
Micaco BBS ad source by Chc /code/demosrc/bbsintro/micsrc41.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
190,207 bytes
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| Rating:
| Source for a BBS ad with an environment mapped object - It's all asm source, but you need Watcom to compile it. Comes with an extra ASC file format converter. All comments are in Spanish though there's a (shorter) Enlish readme file. Knowing Spanish is very useful for these sources as the comments are good.
The Shed BBS loader source by naich /code/demosrc/bbsintro/the_shed.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
11,922 bytes
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| Rating:
| Source for a BBS loader with smoothe text scrolling (horizontal), dual layer starfield, and nifty fade out - Good comments, rather large source as it could use a random number generator as opposed to a table and some other (obvious?) size optimization concerns.
Bytes & Kisses source by Jeff Lawson of JL Enterprise /code/demosrc/demos/bkisssrc.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
513,669 bytes
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| Rating:
| Sources for a demo with a scrollie, plasma, shadebobs, tunnel, bitmap rotation and stretching, and cool credits - Nice comments, but not precompiled. add /misc.!!! to your path and be sure to have pklite somewhere in your path. Go through each directory and use Borland's make on all the targets of each make file. Then make bytekiss.exe from /. Nice demo for its time, but frightfully boring except on Valentine's day. :)
Timeless source by Tran /code/demosrc/demos/timesrc.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
356,568 bytes
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| Rating:
| Source for Tran's timeless demos - Curiously better than Tran's other source releases. If you intend to figure out how it works, I suggest you start at line 127 of v.asm. Few comments, but excellent source.
Seasick source by Draeden of VLA /code/demosrc/intros/sea_code.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
33,542 bytes
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| Rating:
| Source for an intro with a reflecting scrollie and text writer - Old source, but well constructed. Great for those who just know asm, but don't know how to put something complete together using just asm.
small flame by Gaffer of PRoMETHEUS /code/effects/fire/flame160.zip
| 18 Mar 1997 (catalog date)
2,964 bytes
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| Rating:
| Source for a small fire routine. Doesn't actually work on my computer. To answer a question proposed by the author about size optimization, inc al is bigger than inc ax because intel doesn't have an inc /r8 instruction. inc ax is of the form inc /r16 which compiles to db 40+rw, where rw = 0 for ax, 1 for cx, 2 for dx, 3 for bx, ... inc al is of the form inc r/m8 and compiles to db FE /1 where /1 = c0 for al, c4 for ah, c1 for bl..., 05 for a memory reference.... See an intel document for more details.
Tom's Plasma by Tom Dibble /code/effects/plasma/tplas11.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
139,950 bytes
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| Rating:
| Decent plasma example - Has some "fractal clouds" code too. Needs a random number generator of it's own so that there isn't the huge data file of mostly random numbers that goes along with it.
Water by Yamaha of XYZZ /code/effects/water/watrxyzz.zip
| 25 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
128,613 bytes
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| Rating:
| A water effect sample. Won't compile as is since it's missing quite a number of library files. Get hq_water if you want to understand this effect. Get this afterwards only if you can't understand asm.
2asm Anything 2 Asm,c,pas Converter by sneaqo of aardbei /code/fileutil/2asm.zip
| 21 Aug 1998 (catalog date)
97,877 bytes
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| | converts a binary file into a db list, or a C or Pascal array. has a lot of options, and examples for all 3 languages included. Assembler, C, Pascal
Collection of ASM sources by ? of Blue Nose Productions /code/hardware/general/asm_good.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
118,612 bytes
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| Rating:
| Lots of ASM sources, mostly for hardware and BIOS routines - It's somewhat difficult to find what you want, but the comments tell you what you need to know (but not what you have to do) to get everything compiled. Looks like a great source for the cut & paste coder. Given the nature of the routines, I'd say that was the intended purpose of this release.
386 power by Lorenzo Micheletto /code/hardware/pmode/386p_101.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
117,845 bytes
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| Rating:
| A DOS extender for pmode asm programming - Has docs for useage and some extra miscellaneous routines that could be used for game or graphics programming in pmode. Honestly, if you want to do 100% asm development for pmode I'd suggest DOS32 or Tran's pmode. The author here credits Tran for some backbones to his system.
Eclipse operating System v3.05 /code/hardware/pmode/e_os305.zip
| 30 Jun 1998 (catalog date)
1,442,821 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| A combination of a dos extender and a demo library containing a lot of useful functions. It's very useful for intros because the tiny version is very small (including a sb and gus modplayer). C, Assembler
Kernel 1.30b /code/hardware/pmode/krnl130b.zip
| 26 Jun 1997 (catalog date)
314,227 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| A Pmode kernel program with some extra libraries. Has a sound library and many other extras to make up for the fact that it's rather new and things such as midas, GUSPlay, or whatnot won't work with it. It's picky about assembling (tasm32+wlink only). No real documentation to help you get started.
Xi Development System by Fysx /code/hardware/pmode/xids0815.zip
| 19 Jan 1998 (catalog date)
43,131 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Xi Development System, a pmode extender. Uses tlink in the end, but works from watcom and tasm. Possibly a contender if you're writing a 64k intro and need a pmode extender. I'm unsure of it's stability, but it's small.
Bin to H by Lev Iserovich /code/utils/compiler/bin2h.zip
| 12 Aug 1997 (catalog date)
11,097 bytes
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| Rating:
| A bin 2 h/obj. Actually produces obj files, but only works with Turbo C with a little tweaking for Borland C. (same company yes, slightly different compilers.) (By extension, you should be able to get it to work with TASM.)
tinyRTL by Solar Designer /code/utils/compiler/bpc-trtl.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
13,314 bytes
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| Rating:
| A pas TPU with source for creating small exes - A TPU that replaces the system TPU in Turbo Pascal so that small .exes can be made. The example .exes are deceiving as there is no built in support for writing text and other such things. Knowledge of assembler will be necessary for most programs you'd write with this.
GEMA by ? of Sector One /code/utils/compiler/gema16.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
118,143 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| An assembler for those used to 68k assemblers - Avids believe that this assembler is more precise and makes more sense. I'll give them the former any day. It certainly does have many advantages over TASM and MASM with the exception of wide support. :(
GEMA by ? of Sector One /code/utils/compiler/gema26aa.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
148,691 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| An assembler for those used to 68k assemblers - Avids believe that this assembler is more precise and makes more sense. I'll give them the former any day. It certainly does have many advantages over TASM and MASM with the exception of wide support. :(
Netwide Assembler by Simon Tatham, Julian Hall /code/utils/compiler/nasm094.zip
| 02 Jul 1997 (catalog date)
320,576 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| A freeware assembler with good support. People have been switching from TASM to this assembler, especially linux and 68K coders. It is still being supported by the makers so it understands newer op codes, like mmx instructions, so you don't need to get intel's 'macros' for new opcodes.
Bin 2 Pal by pneyz of smoof /code/utils/graphics/b2pal100.zip
| 19 Jan 1998 (catalog date)
10,133 bytes
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| Rating:
| Converts raw data to palette includeable stuff. Remember: there are no upload/download ratios on hornet. Please don't feel compelled to upload something merely for the sake of uploading something. Who do you think you're helping?
Vfixppsl - Vesa Fix Pixels Per Scan Line by Saint /code/utils/graphics/vfixppsl.zip
| 12 Jun 1998 (catalog date)
2,392 bytes
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| | This little TSR sets the number of pixels per scan line to match the x resolution of the visible screen. Usefull for demos / games that assume the logical width of a scan line to be equal to the physical width. Includes ASM source code.
24 Hour Break by Digitize Design Group /demos/1993/0-9/24h_brk.zip
| 29 Jun 1996 (catalog date)
90,627 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Fast circle-effect, sine scroller (coded in interesting way) - not a great job for asm-intro-compo (of course some music) btw: at the end they are talking about many bugs: here is one: press (& hold) left shift during sine-scroller. Letters D and G will be moved 'a little' :-)
30 Demo by Noice /demos/1993/0-9/30_demo.zip
| 29 Jun 1996 (catalog date)
40,554 bytes
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| Rating:
| Demo contains rotating cube (so obvious), low-zoom plasma (so good, because you cannot see plasma in any other demo this way - always there is a high zoom (because looks better :-), then a dot-ball (also obvious), and end-scroller (thats all???? yes....)
42 by Halcyon /demos/1994/0-9/42.zip
| 29 Jun 1996 (catalog date)
67,994 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Released at event ASM94 in the in64 division and ranked XX
Good beginning on this demo. Blue fire effect, going into zooming routines to delay dots, to 3-d fire. There are other interesting effects. To get past some parts of the demo the user must press Escape. The music is also a little repetitve at times... Without a GUS I couldn't get the entire demo.
4k or Less by Paranoids /demos/1994/0-9/4k_less.zip
| 29 Jun 1996 (catalog date)
4,340 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Released at event ASM94 in the in4k division and ranked XX
4kB intro presented at Asm'94: morphing letters '4k' to 'or' and then 'less': and the main part (and the only) is a waving vector plane in several ways.
4 Kings by Orange /demos/1994/0-9/4kings.zip
| 29 Jun 1996 (catalog date)
57,584 bytes
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| Rating:
| Released at event ASM94 in the in64 division and ranked 10
A nice, unique look to this demo sets it apart from others. Lots of mathematical based code. Opens up with four grahpics in the corners and a bouncing pixel that opens up to the title. Good design doesn't stay with any one routine for too long.