Hammerhead by Bram Bos /music/programs/samplers/hhbeta96.zip
| 24 May 1997 (catalog date)
1,440,712 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | What is HammerHead ? HammerHead is a simple TR-909-like drumcomputer program aiming at the dance-scene. You can use it to create perfect Techno-loops, Jungle patterns and real BAD-MOFO-KICK-ASS-NOISY-GABBA-SHIT. What is HammerHead not ? HammerHead is not Shareware, it's Freeware . No frustrating save-disabling, no grayed-out-menu-features, no paying serious money, no annoying messages and most of all NO TIME LIMIT... HammerHead is not a Bossa Nova tool... This means that you won't find any sucky Tom-Toms, Shakers, Cowbells, Congas and Bongos in this box... What you WILL find is cool 909 shit, bad overdriven bassdrums, lotsa snaredrums, claps, and complete breakbeats to spice up the lot. Buckets-o-fun for making Jungle.
Cah-Caqlach by Heatbeat of CNCD /music/songs/1993/caqlach.zip
| 01 Feb 1997 (catalog date)
212,791 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:   
| (MOD) Starts with a beautiful acoustic guitar intro, then jumps to modern jazz, then goes back to acoustic guitar, then does something else, then something else... gotta give the guy credit, at least it's varied.