The Hornet Archive
Music Contest 5
------------------------- No Names
Foreword by Necros
Intro by Snowman

Contest Rules

Changes Since MC4

Contact Information
MC5 Updates

Cool Links

MC5 Updates
What Is MC5 Updates?
The same listserver used for DemoNews is being used to distribute a "MC5 Updates" newsletter. This newsletter will be used during the contest to keep you posted on current happenings and changes.
How To Subscribe
Mail to

In the body of your mail, put:

subscribe mc5-updates first_name last_name
The listserver will send the MC5 Newsletter to your e-mail's return address.
Changes To The MC5 Web Pages
31 May 1997 = Added web server mime-types for files under "Cool Links" -> "Quick Links To Previous Winners". Thanks Diablo!
01 Jun 1997 + Added "If I want to enter MC5, do I need to be a judge also?" to the MC5 FAQ.

+ Added "Why isn't Fast Tracker 2 used to play XM entries?" to the MC5 FAQ.

= Fixed case-sensitive things in Voting/Entering submission forms.

- Duplicates now checked for judging submissions (they already were for entry submissions).

03 Jun 1997 = Added "This is a guideline, not an absolute" to the MC5 FAQ question about which division you should enter. People were taking it too literally. :)

+ Added rule "10. Your entry may be submitted only once. We will not update entries."

+ Added "Checking Your Entry" to the email verification for entries.

04 Jun 1997 - Added "You must give at least 1 email address that is not from,,, or" to entry and judging applications.
05 Jun 1997 - Added error checking in the submission pages to see if a user entered duplicate email addresses (if you only have one address, you should leave the second one blank).

- Added "Your Song ID must be based off your Song Title" to the entering page.

- Added "Only submit ONE handle" to the entering and judging pages.

07 Jun 1997 + Added statistics pages for Entering and Voting. These are updated nightly.

+ Added backups to MC5 data. Run nightly.

= Added an extra field to the entry data file to reflect each entrant's "status".

08 Jun 1997 - Fixed the entering and voting .cgi scripts. Applications with an email address lacking a '@' are now rejected.
09 Jun 1997 + Added "Music Contest Anagrams" to "Cool Links" page.
27 Jun 1997 = Appended to the contest rule about song text.

+ Added some extra information on the Entry statistics page

28 Jun 1997 + Added MC5 Updates #1 to the Resources page.

+ Added public download links to MC5 entries on Resources page.

29 Jun 1997 + Added link to NOT.REGISTERED in /incoming/MC5/entries for unclaimed entries.

+ Added link to Fast Tracker v2.06 on the MC5 Resources page.

30 Jun 1997 + Added some additional information on the MC5 entry statistics page.