Changes To The MC5 Web Pages |
31 May 1997 |
= Added web server mime-types for files under "Cool Links" -> "Quick Links To
Previous Winners". Thanks Diablo!
01 Jun 1997 |
+ Added "If I want to enter MC5, do I need to be a judge also?" to the MC5 FAQ.
+ Added "Why isn't Fast Tracker 2 used to play XM entries?" to the MC5 FAQ.
= Fixed case-sensitive things in Voting/Entering submission forms.
- Duplicates now checked for judging submissions (they already were for entry submissions).
03 Jun 1997 |
= Added "This is a guideline, not an absolute" to the MC5 FAQ question about
which division you should enter. People were taking it too literally. :)
+ Added rule "10. Your entry may be submitted only once. We will not update entries."
+ Added "Checking Your Entry" to the email verification for entries.
04 Jun 1997 |
- Added "You must give at least 1 email address that is not from,,, or" to entry and judging applications.
05 Jun 1997 |
- Added error checking in the submission pages to see if a user entered duplicate
email addresses (if you only have one address, you should leave the second one blank).
- Added "Your Song ID must be based off your Song Title" to the entering page.
- Added "Only submit ONE handle" to the entering and judging pages.
07 Jun 1997 |
+ Added statistics pages for Entering and Voting. These are updated nightly.
+ Added backups to MC5 data. Run nightly.
= Added an extra field to the entry data file to reflect each entrant's "status".
08 Jun 1997 |
- Fixed the entering and voting .cgi scripts. Applications with an email address
lacking a '@' are now rejected.
09 Jun 1997 |
+ Added "Music Contest Anagrams" to "Cool Links" page.
27 Jun 1997 |
= Appended to the contest rule about song text.
+ Added some extra information on the Entry statistics page
28 Jun 1997 |
+ Added MC5 Updates #1 to the Resources page.
+ Added public download links to MC5 entries on Resources page.
29 Jun 1997 |
+ Added link to NOT.REGISTERED in /incoming/MC5/entries for unclaimed entries.
+ Added link to Fast Tracker v2.06 on the MC5 Resources page.
30 Jun 1997 |
+ Added some additional information on the MC5 entry statistics page.