F. mod docs by Firelight /code/audio/docs/fmoddoc.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
83,795 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Firelight's mod format description - The perfect text file for someone who is writing a mod player especially first timers. Assumes knowledge of programming and doesn't cover details of sound card specific issues, like setting up a DMA transfer or initializing the sound card.
IW SDK /code/audio/docs/iw_sdk20.zip
| 10 Jul 1997 (catalog date)
2,796,518 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| The SDK for the IW chip. The docs are Adobe Acrobat files and are probably meant for printing out. I didn't try yet, but the "univerval translator" at CMU should be able to convert the files to a text format, which would be infinitely more useful. This is one of those everything you needed to know and more type docs.
2asm Anything 2 Asm,c,pas Converter by sneaqo of aardbei /code/fileutil/2asm.zip
| 21 Aug 1998 (catalog date)
97,877 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | converts a binary file into a db list, or a C or Pascal array. has a lot of options, and examples for all 3 languages included. Assembler, C, Pascal
Pentium Stuff /code/hardware/cpu/pentium.zip
| 01 Jul 1997 (catalog date)
164,896 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| A collection of files on Pentium optimization. Some of these files look very useful, especially for optimizing information and truly esoteric stuff for the terminally curious.
Bytes Of Wisdom Diskmag Engine Sources by MinMax of Septic Productions /code/mags/bow5src.zip
| 21 Aug 1998 (catalog date)
109,870 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | Sources to diskmag engine written in Watcom C. Can use VBE 1.2/2.0 & textmode. Very flexible. Also it is recomended that you download the diskmag itself (to get the example files) (bow5.zip)
The Mag by Spellcaster /code/mags/mag11.zip
| 01 Jul 1997 (catalog date)
95,422 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| A serial coding magazine. Sorting, matrix algebra, geometric transformations, more complex 3d, still adding to that game. (This magazine has come a long way since issue one and is entirely progressive.)
1st Infection by N-Factor /demos/1994/0-9/1infect.zip
| 29 Jun 1996 (catalog date)
788,796 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Released at event WIR94 in the demo division and ranked ??
N-Factor's first production, released at Wired'94 - a good "first-time" production for a new group. Lots of vector objects, some unlimited bobs, and textured planes - a top and bottom of the screen - but they are doing many things with this simple transform table: like really interesting flight of space ship over you (like in 2nd Reality), but textured (looks much-much better).
42 by Halcyon /demos/1994/0-9/42.zip
| 29 Jun 1996 (catalog date)
67,994 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Released at event ASM94 in the in64 division and ranked XX
Good beginning on this demo. Blue fire effect, going into zooming routines to delay dots, to 3-d fire. There are other interesting effects. To get past some parts of the demo the user must press Escape. The music is also a little repetitve at times... Without a GUS I couldn't get the entire demo.