Zed 3D by Zed /code/3d/docs/zed3d095.zip
| 19 Jan 1998 (catalog date)
697,450 bytes
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| Rating:
| Zed 3d - a document explaining the maths you'll need for 3d. Word and postscript formats of the same file. Zed has an attention to detail and a great way to explain all the math. I highly recommend this to anyone starting to make a 3d engine who doesn't know where to start (start with the math, not the polygon fillers, believe me! the fillers are trivial in comparison). See the bibliography for where to go next.
Sound Deluxe System 5.04 by Maple Leaf /code/audio/players/sds504.zip
| 17 Jan 1999 (catalog date)
603,983 bytes
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| Rating:
| This player supports a lot of different module formats, but the GUS support seems to have a bug because I hear nothing, while it works great on my Soundblaster Pro. It supports a lot of different languages, including Turbo Basic!
Tnt's Mod Player by ByteRaver of TNT, NO-ID /code/audio/players/tnt-mp11.zip
| 10 Jun 1998 (catalog date)
306,622 bytes
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| | This is a .MOD, .WOW player for DOS or a W95 DOS BOX. It supports the GUS and SoundBlaster. Features are interpolative mixing routines (stereo with panning effects), 5 octaves, 1 to 32 channels, _ALL_ MOD types supported, very powerful .MOD loader, MIDAS-alike setup. full pascal and asm source is included. Info about programming mixing routines is included, too.
Fake demo source by Pelusa /code/demosrc/demos/fakedemo.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
335,424 bytes
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| Rating:
| Sources for a demo with a sinus waver, wormhole, rotating landscape, fire, scrollie, shadebobs, lens, mandelbrot set zoomer - Comments for proceedures, many parts, lots to look over. Clean code too. (old cheesy necros music. :)
Birthday source by Sliq /code/demosrc/intros/birthsrc.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
25,025 bytes
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| Rating:
| Sources for an intro with simple 3d - Comments for the proceedures, easy to read source. Shows influences from Mental Surgery, mainly in the interupt handling. Old sources (1993), but otherwise good.
bglass by Konrad Olejnik of K!O /code/effects/lens/bglass.zip
| 19 Jan 1998 (catalog date)
50,803 bytes
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| Rating:
| Bumped glass routine. For TMT pascal. You might call this a bump map type effect. The difference I'm going to call is that bump map routines alter light intensity while lens routines change your position in a texture map. Interesting way to get the timer! :) For C users, that would be int *time = 0x046C. See a BIOS data reference for further details.
Tom's Plasma by Tom Dibble /code/effects/plasma/tplas11.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
139,950 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Decent plasma example - Has some "fractal clouds" code too. Needs a random number generator of it's own so that there isn't the huge data file of mostly random numbers that goes along with it.
Voxel by 6502 of Fatal Rage /code/effects/voxel/newvox.zip
| 26 Jun 1997 (catalog date)
3,227 bytes
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| Rating:
| Beautiful hightfield rendering. If there's anyone with half a clue who can't understand this, I'd like to know. The effect itself is beautiful, fast, and the code is gratuitously commented. My only quip is having (gipped) allocation of some 180k that just eats up base memory. Has no .exe, but compiles with watcom with no problems.
Flat Real Mode Interface by Juanito /code/hardware/memory/frmi_150.exe
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
38,210 bytes
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| Rating:
| An interface for flat real mode from BC - Has some docs on xms and comments explaining how the interface works itself. I didn't test to see if it works. Doesn't work in v86 mode, meaning most programs made with this will require a reboot.
Real Memory by Chatter /code/hardware/memory/realmem.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
10,850 bytes
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| Rating:
| Supposedly gets you past the 64k barrier in real mode - I have no clue what compiler this is supposed to compile for. It uses opcodes not allowed in BC's inline assembler, watcom doesn't use that kind of inline assembler (and doesn't need this extender anyway), and this is pointless for djgpp which only compiles 32bit pmode apps. I have neither TC (but considering that's a sub-set of BC I can assume it won't work) nor Quick C (but that's so old, it's inline assembler's probably incomplete too).
Vfixppsl - Vesa Fix Pixels Per Scan Line by Saint /code/utils/graphics/vfixppsl.zip
| 12 Jun 1998 (catalog date)
2,392 bytes
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| | This little TSR sets the number of pixels per scan line to match the x resolution of the visible screen. Usefull for demos / games that assume the logical width of a scan line to be equal to the physical width. Includes ASM source code.
Windows Tutorial by Denthor of Asphyxia /code/windows/wintut1.zip
| 19 Jan 1998 (catalog date)
15,071 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:
| Windows Tutorial 1. Denthor's back with some tutorials on windows graphics program. I (and he) recommend that you still get another reference (like a *gasp* book) if you know absolutely nothing about programming windows and intend to get serious about it. The tut has just enough info to grasp how windows works, the mindset needed for coding, and some basic messages windows can throw at you. Good for the ultra-beginner with windows. (Oh, the example here is a star field)